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RE: Stay Off Your Feet For 2-3 Weeks

in Hive Petslast year

Ouf, I happy for you guys that it is just a strain (I could visualize the worse when I saw that the full sprint mode was active with that gopher hole). It could of easily been a broken bone (ouch). Those toys are great (didn't have those when I had a dog), but then again my dog did destroy everything (including wodden stairs). The last pic is really great, we can already see that it will be a dog not to mess with :-)


She's so spoiled and I love it.

What's up Peg? Thanks for checking this one out. As her limp remained at day 3, day 4, day 5 I had bad thoughts in my head—fracture, torn ligament, worse.

I'm so glad it's not as bad as it looked.

6 more days. Hail Mary hallelujah!