[ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities

in CryptoCompany CEO17 hours ago
Authored by @PowerPaul



Here are the recent votes and the activities of the CryptoCompany Voting Service - which currently has 226,107.291 HP available.

Hier die letzten Votes und die Aktivitäten des CryptoCompany Voting Service - welchem aktuell 226.107,291 HP zur Verfügung stehen.

Just one more thing:

As always, I do all voting by hand and open/check each item manually. Please read the terms of use at https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Voting is done with 100 to 80% Voting Mana - whenever the 100 is full, I start a new round - if the computer in front of me is running.

Nur eines noch:

Wie immer tätige ich alle Votes per Hand und öffne/überprüfe jeden Artikel händisch. Bitte lest die Nutzungsbedingungen auf https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Gevotet wird mit 100 bis 80% Voting Mana - immer wenn die 100 voll ist, starte ich eine neue Runde - sofern denn der Computer vor mir rauscht.

No image found
Link: the-freecompliments-weekly-art-contest-311-winner-earns-15-hsbi-hsz
Data: 179.67656806% priority. Paid 903.23431943 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 100.00% available voting mana) due to 59.67656806% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 13:22:31 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:22:26 (UTC).

Link: craving-comfort-a-satisfying-chicken
Data: 140.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 99.02% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 18:47:36 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:24:25 (UTC).

Link: california-legalization-copper-round
Data: 134.59482571% priority. Paid 854.05174292 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 98.04% available voting mana) due to 14.59482571% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 11:59:04 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:25:01 (UTC).

Link: schrift-graffiti-in-trier
Data: 131.24982182% priority. Paid 807.50178179 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 97.07% available voting mana) due to 19.24982182% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 19:33:35 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:25:32 (UTC).

No image found
Link: opening-10-ultimate-chests-in-splinterlands-7wq
Data: 116.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 96.10% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 13:09:29 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:26:03 (UTC).

Link: splinterlands-flame-mephit-the-elusive-fire-sprite
Data: 109.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 95.15% available voting mana) due to 5.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 04:44:20 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:26:29 (UTC).

No image found
Link: enptbr-knowing-a-great-ally-for-evading-attacks-hjn
Data: 108.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 94.20% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 03:21:21 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:26:59 (UTC).

No image found
Link: a-great-ally-with-the-taunt-ability-3rs
Data: 108.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 93.27% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 13:33:39 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:27:25 (UTC).

No image found
Link: increasing-the-number-of-fans-by-opening-packs-8xy
Data: 108.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 92.34% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 13:59:04 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:27:59 (UTC).

No image found
Link: who-stole-the-money-from-the-cabinet-the-feeling-of-wrongfully-accused-kfs
Data: 104.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 91.43% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 17:37:50 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:28:26 (UTC).

Link: secret-n-266-the-strange
Data: 100.00000000% priority. Paid 500.00000000 CCD for a voth with 25% (at 90.52% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-11 11:28:22 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-11 21:28:57 (UTC).

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
be a Hivian, make the best out of the your day!


