[ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities

in CryptoCompany CEO9 days ago
Authored by @PowerPaul



Here are the recent votes and the activities of the CryptoCompany Voting Service - which currently has 226,085.722 HP available.

Hier die letzten Votes und die Aktivitäten des CryptoCompany Voting Service - welchem aktuell 226.085,722 HP zur Verfügung stehen.

Just one more thing:

As always, I do all voting by hand and open/check each item manually. Please read the terms of use at https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Voting is done with 100 to 80% Voting Mana - whenever the 100 is full, I start a new round - if the computer in front of me is running.

Nur eines noch:

Wie immer tätige ich alle Votes per Hand und öffne/überprüfe jeden Artikel händisch. Bitte lest die Nutzungsbedingungen auf https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Gevotet wird mit 100 bis 80% Voting Mana - immer wenn die 100 voll ist, starte ich eine neue Runde - sofern denn der Computer vor mir rauscht.

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: am-i-the-asshole-for-how-i-tried-to-reconcile-my-error-of-not-responding-appropriately-to-someone-telling-me-theyve-been-stalked-6zw
Data: 181.77744032% priority. Paid 882.22559683 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 100.00% available voting mana) due to 61.77744032% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 01:05:36 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:52:16 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: here-come-the-board-reviews-k74
Data: 178.82141955% priority. Paid 911.78580445 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 99.04% available voting mana) due to 58.82141955% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-15 01:24:41 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:55:33 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: szegediner-gulasch-zum-mittagessen
Data: 157.08253432% priority. Paid 599.17465684 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 98.06% available voting mana) due to 45.08253432% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 20:13:04 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:56:02 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: photofeed-contest-street-photography-round
Data: 147.85000000% priority. Paid 721.50000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 97.08% available voting mana) due to 27.85000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 22:56:25 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:56:34 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: changes-coming-to-splinterlands-on-march-18-land-175-marketplace-rental-and-a-new-voucher-card-my-daily-battles-in-survival-mode-engita-6rp
Data: 140.63328424% priority. Paid 793.66715760 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 96.12% available voting mana) due to 20.63328424% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 00:41:02 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:57:01 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: moon-karts-recent-news-my-game-activity-results-and-rewards-in-season-18-focus-on-colony-and-script-market-value-engita-dt1
Data: 140.63328424% priority. Paid 793.66715760 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 95.17% available voting mana) due to 20.63328424% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 22:37:35 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:57:55 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: a-roasted-delight-flavorful-meats
Data: 140.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 94.23% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 17:57:55 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:58:49 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: enpt-would-taking-care-of-your-health-be-an-obligation-5dj
Data: 135.15000000% priority. Paid 848.50000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 93.29% available voting mana) due to 15.15000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 10:25:21 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:59:15 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: social-media-challenge-or-how-5b430e52488e1
Data: 127.70535394% priority. Paid 964.84646058 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 92.37% available voting mana) due to 15.70535394% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 20:52:04 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 03:59:46 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: grateful-for-a-warm-day
Data: 125.19884113% priority. Paid 958.01158868 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 91.45% available voting mana) due to 5.19884113% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 21:16:50 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:00:24 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: nineties-friday-kicking-off-with
Data: 122.01000000% priority. Paid 979.90000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 90.55% available voting mana) due to 2.01000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 19:03:31 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:01:08 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: enptbr-my-strategy-with-summoner-lily-shieldpaw-c3r
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 89.65% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 12:54:12 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:01:52 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: opening-yixns-trinkett-ii-with-luck-in-golem-overlord-8b6
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 88.77% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 13:20:25 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:02:26 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: making-battle-easier-with-debuffs-3wm
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 87.88% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 14:28:29 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:02:53 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: adding-2-epic-vehicles-to-my-collection-in-rising-star-game-dhx
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 87.01% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 15:14:22 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:03:25 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: defense-meta-needs-the-right-speed-6du
Data: 119.91675919% priority. Paid 840.83240806 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 86.15% available voting mana) due to 15.91675919% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 20:16:54 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:03:52 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: splinterlands-expanding-lore-of-fina-voxom-baptism-of-fire-for-the-siow-engde
Data: 114.71000000% priority. Paid 477.62400000 CCD for a voth with 28% (at 85.29% available voting mana) due to 14.71000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 15:32:55 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:04:25 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: first-earnings-with-hari-raid
Data: 112.06327549% priority. Paid 999.36724510 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 84.83% available voting mana) due to 0.06327549% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 10:32:40 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:05:07 (UTC).

Link: halo-halo-a-small-feast-for-the-heart
Data: 112.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 83.99% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 23:58:57 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:05:37 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: pepe-powerup-day-100k-192bd704ec8f3
Data: 111.00000000% priority. Paid 890.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 83.16% available voting mana) due to 11.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 21:29:13 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:06:29 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: splinterlands-ujurak-mystic--the-watchful-mystic-shielding-allies-from-sneaky-attacks
Data: 109.01000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 82.34% available voting mana) due to 5.01000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-15 01:10:48 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:07:11 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: showing-the-usefulness-of-healing
Data: 104.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 81.52% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 02:35:58 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:07:40 (UTC).

Link: happy-pi-pea-pee-day-3xo
Data: 101.00000000% priority. Paid 990.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 80.71% available voting mana) due to 1.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 19:48:45 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:08:09 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: ke-masjid-cheng-hoo-berama-ketua-psmti-surabaya-to-cheng-hoo-mosque-with-the-chairman-of-psmti-surabaya
Data: 100.61000000% priority. Paid 397.56000000 CCD for a voth with 20% (at 79.91% available voting mana) due to 0.61000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 04:51:34 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:08:48 (UTC).

Blockchain working like... - no image available today
Link: secret-n-269-the-strange
Data: 100.00000000% priority. Paid 500.00000000 CCD for a voth with 25% (at 79.60% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount. ROI: [Upcoming feature. Will need me a little to calculate/integrate it live.]
Ordered at 2025-03-14 11:07:00 (UTC) and vote processed at 2025-03-15 04:09:23 (UTC).

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
be a Hivian, make the best out of the your day!






Have you heard the one about the jump rope?
Never mind, skip it.

Credit: reddit
@ccceo.voter, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bitandi

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Thanks for the report.


@edgerik just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @ccceo.voter! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

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