How to withdraw Hive, what to do with Ecency points, Hive power: delegate, power down and hive power up

in Hive Beginners Tips3 years ago (edited)

This Post is for newbies in the community, as we all know, Hundreds and thousands of people join this platform everyday and it is our duties to let them know how this platform is running, what is expecting of them, what to do at the right time and where to go when necessary.

In today's lesson, I am going to outline the importants key elements that is expected of new hivers.

First of all as a newbie, who just joined the hive blockchain, you are expected to introduce yourself, in this format "My Introduction to Hive" or you can make your introduction post in any way you like, as far as it shows you are making an introduction of yourself.

There are many benefits why you should not bypass to make an introduction post, because most newbie's get support through their intro post. It would expose you and more people would know of you, like what you would be writing about, where you are from and who you are in total.

Another reason is that, few Hivers may stands out to guide you and make sure you are following up the blockchain in the right way.

And as times goes on, we know you may still find it difficult to get along on the blockchain, as it's always on the start, because it's noted that, the beginning does not really matter, but the end should be what we look out for.

Therefore, let head to the questions of the day.

How to withdraw Hive ?

Now let assumed you have some hive in your wallet, without wasting time just go to your wallet using once you click on the link on your browser, it's will take you to your hive wallet and your password and username will be required, just copy them in your email and insert, that's if you didn't connect it already.

Yo! remember to always keep your password safe and not to disclose it to anyone, avoid clicking phishing links, that was by the way.

Now here we go, scroll down to hive or HBD, I don't know the one you have, you will see a down word arrow, just click it and it will take you to that's where you can withdraw your hive or HBD or even exchange it for another crypto currency.

That was if you are using hive wallet, but I still want to let you know that, you can still transfer your hive or HBD from your Ecency APP, to your wallet, although I don't know the wallet your are using but once the wallet accepted hive or HBD deposit, go to your wallet in your Ecency app, for instance watch me demonstrate here with a finger tip

This is your drop down menu in your Ecency app.


Once open, you will find many options, now click this one here.


Then choose what was in your mind, transfer to wallet, like block trade, as I said earlier.

Saving on your hive account: It is very necessary to note something here, because as a newbie that wants to grow on the platform, savings of HBD is necessary and of recent, the APR interest rate of HBD savings has been increased to a 20% APR and this is a very nice thing for those who has savings habits.

Lastly, convert HBD to hive, we can convert our HBD to hive and only then can we trade our token, when you convert your HBD to hive, it would give you the exact amount of hive in relation to that HBD converted, like currently, 1 HBD is equals to 2.7 of hive, and do not expect this to be the same always, because by the time hive price skyrocket, even the HHD can not stand a chance of it value.


Now we will be examining the next important key elements " WHAT TO DO WITH ECENCY POINTS"


Ecency points are rewards giving to Ecency users.

You can get Ecency point by making post, making positive comments on articles on the blockchain, and voting on post, as far as you are using the @ecency frontend and and also you can get ecency points from many contest in the hive blockchain partner with ecency.

You can get Ecency point from contest, like, shadows hunters contest conducted by @melinda010100. And all others contests.

You can also get Ecency points from @esteems.bounty, that is if you are a winner and, a user of ecency frontend can also get her points by sharing his post to twitter using the hashtags #hive and #posh.

Therefore, this points has Many functions and uses, uses of ecency points


  1. you can use Ecency point to boost your posts in the hive blockchain.

  2. You can also use Ecency points to promote your contents in the hive blockchain.

  3. You can also gifts Ecency points to a friend in the hive blockchain. that is when you want to reward the user by his/her good contents.

Now we go to another important key elements and that is "Hive power"


Hive power are the powers you have in terms of numbers of Posts you can Post in the hive blockchain.

You would hear people calling it "HP" in the blockchain, that is in short form.


You can delegate your Hive power, maybe to a friend in the hive blockchain or you can also donate and get returns, that's if you wish to, you can see @hivebuzz for more details, hivebuzz is offering donate and get Worth of returns in terms of hive and hive power up.

You can also donate your HP to curators in the blockchain and you would also stand a chance of getting returns Hive power, this is a way to grow account on the blockchain.

Note that if you don't have hive power you would not be able to make a post in the blockchain.

Power down : This also another Questions that's always asked by newbies, now power down means that you wish to withdraw your hive power, that's converting your hive power to hive and, power down take a week and will be converted to hive then you can withdraw, trade it or take another option with it.

You can also power up your hive in the Hive power up day, which is the first day of every month, and this will give you badges in the hivebuzz and make you a bigger bee, you also get more privileges see @hivebuzz for more details on how to participate.

Before I forget also note that, if you are running out of hive power that means not being able to make a post here on the hive blockchain, you can buy hive from and sent to your hive account, to enable you make post successfully, work hard on your Hive account and as times goes on, you would grow in the blockchain.

Thanks for reading, please reblog for others newbies to see it, you might not know who is in need of this articles.

General notice: This post was updated on May, 15 2023.


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