Mine was a solitary life, you see.
I'd say I was always like a moon in orbit. Pulled on a string by giants. I couldn't interface with my superiors or colleagues. Things were expected of me, not with me. A background piece in a momentous scene. An afterthought to greatness.
The most pathetic thing? I was fine with it.
Until one faithful day. It was like those TV show moments, you know? When the main character realizes he's about to have an arc. Except I wasn't a main character and this wasn't fiction. I was content. But a field can only be trampled so often before it becomes barren.
My loneliness began to choke me. To control me. When in the past it would give me confidence, now it highlighted my flaws. It wasn't supposed to be like that. But as with most things, the heart tells the mind what it needs. Some things you cannot rationalize. I understand that now, but at the time? I was lost.
"Objection. Your honor, the defendant is babbling."
"Mr. Knox. Does this have a point?"
"Your honor, I believe my client's story to be imperative to the truth this court is seeking."
"Well, give us the shortened version. Mr. Brooks, try to tell your tale in a way that doesn't waste the court's time."
Yes, your honor. I think I made my point. Underpaid and underappreciated, soon I had enough. My family can attest to this - I am not a violent person. I am... a rational, kindhearted, nice person. Alright? Ask anyone, they are all here, I am the nicest person you'll ever meet, and -
"Mr. Brooks get to the point, please."
Yes, your honor.
I met the victim at a party. I... Sob. excuse me. I liked Sarah right away. Something about her just spoke to me. If I was a solitary moon, she was a dwarf star teleporting in my orbit. An impossibility that changes your outlook on life.
The vic -, sniff, excuse me. Sarah. Sarah talked to me because she had to, she was... Anne's newest assistants, heh. And if you knew anything about Anne Foster, sigh is that she churned out more assistants than a new chocolate cream machine. She was demanding, expectant, deliberate. And a total bitch. Sarah and I used to joke that working for her felt like a lapdog on a bulldog's leash.
"Objection. Conjecture."
"Overruled. Continue Mr. Brooks."
Sarah was resilient. She... she didn't allow Anne to get to her. At least that's what I thought. A free, joyful spirit that did not damper regardless of the circumstances. The more we talked the more we... the more we fell in love. sniff I - I really miss her...
"Mr. Knox. This is your last warning. No poetic outbursts on the stand."
"Yes, your honor. Mr. Brooks, can you say your closing statement?"
I can - sorry. I can do that. sigh. We got close. Sarah and me. Through time she made me see the error of my ways. Of my lifestyle. She filled me with so much hope, that soon I felt like a different person altogether. Like my chemical makeup was altered forever. And it was.
I was in darkness, led by a solitary light.
However, with my new lease on life, my old job didn't fit. My mindset was misplaced now. The pieces no longer fit, you see. You see - excuse me. S-Sarah wanted to help me get out of my situation. Find something new to do with myself. She... she held me up when I was at my lowest. She was there for me when no one else was. Not my parents, not my so-called friends. No one. I owe my life to that woman.
I felt free. I never imagined something like... I... I would never hurt her... ever...
"No more questions, your honor."
"Mrs. Jennings?"
"Yes. Mr. Brooks, can you tell this court where you were at the night of Sarah Tillman's death?"
I already told you - I was at home, watching TV.
"I would like to draw the jury's attention to the affidavit given by Mrs. Simmons yesterday. In it she stated: "Mr. Brooks left the lobby like a 'bat out of hell'. He knocked over a valley boy and nearly broke the elevator doors." Does this sound like a calm individual? Someone who never hurt a fly?"
"Objection! The end of Mrs. Simmons statement states "that was the only time I'd seen him angry. Didn't know he had it in him." So this was an aberration, not a pattern of behaviour."
"Sustained. Mrs. Jennings, you mislead the jury one more time and this session will come to a close."
"Yes. your honor. Mr. Brooks. If you were at home watching TV - why were you causing a ruckus in the hotel lobby Anne Foster was staying in?"
I - I talked to her. Figured... figured if Sarah can stand up for me than I can stand up for... for her.
"So you were there to confront her?"
I was.
"Objection! She's doing the same thing, your honor!"
"Overruled. Be precise Mrs. Jennings."
"What did you and Anne Foster talk about?"
They - we -
I mean, she was busy so I couldn't really -
"Oh, yes she was. I would like for it to be put on record that Mrs. Anne Foster has been made unavailable to this trial and I quote 'for fear of my life.' Mr. Brooks, why would Mrs. Foster refuse to assist in apprehending her assistant's murderor?"
... how should I know?
"Could it be that you haven't said the whole truth about Anne and Sarah's relationship? Could it be that you found out that day? You, the rescued pup, going to confront the angry bulldog. Confronted by a truth to horrible to comprehend. Hmm? What did it feel like? When you found them in that bed? Eek."
You... Sarah loved me. You got that? Me! You - hey, get off of me!
"Objection! Unnecessary provocation!"
"No more questions, your honor."
"Mr. Brooks calm yourself or you will be further restrained. Outside this courtroom. Unable to bear witness to your fate. Would you like that?"
I loved her! sob. I... I loved her...
"Mr. Knox?"
"Ahem. Yes. I would like to remind the court there was no evidence linking Mr. Brooks to Sarah Tillman's death. His love for her is evident... and powerful. Mrs. Jennings's previous statement is nothing but conjecture."
"My conjecture is founded on logic, your honor. Mrs. Simmons says Mrs. Foster hasn't called on room service since Mr. Brooks came to visit her. She has stated being 'sick'. I believe after Mr. Brooks disposed of Sarah, he went to take out his anger on Anne."
"Objection, your honor! False accusation! There is no proof of anything she just said."
"Sustained. The jury is to disregard Mrs. Jennings's last comment. Fifteen minutes and let's have a verdict." Slam.
Am I going to jail?
"They have no proof against you, Bill. You have to hold your head high."
Yes, but... am I got o jail?
"All rise."
"Jury, have you come to a verdict?"
"Yes, your honor. Bill Brooks. On the count of first degree murder, this jury finds you - not guilty. On the count of second degree murder, this jury finds you - guilty."
"Order! Order in the court!" Slam! Slam! "Order! Mr. Knox, you sit down right now or you leave my courtroom, understood? Mr. Brooks - rise."
Sigh "I really did enjoy your testimonial, Mr. Brooks. Truthfully." Sigh. "I enjoyed it so much I'd like to put it to the test. I am sentencing you to life without parole - in solitary confinement. Until, that is, you change your tune and admit your guilt. In which case your sentence will be reduced to twenty years without parole - in maximum security.
"Would you like to say anything to the court now? Before my sentencing is carried out?"
No. I always expected to return to the dark. Once... once she was gone.
"Then, I wish you the wisdom to come to your senses.
"Court adjourned."
Ok, so. This wasn't the type of story I wanted to write. 😁 But my gardener tendencies kept leading me in the opposite direction of the text, so... 🤷♂ I'm not proud of this one, I have no idea as to how the criminal justice system works in the U.S. I fabricated this trial from old Law and Order episodes still in my head from childhood.
So this one is rough around the edges. But if nothing else, it can serve as a good lesson for aspiring authors. If I do proper research and format this piece to fit said research, it will be ten times better. But for now, this is what you get when you try and write something completely out of your wheelhouse. 😅 Serviceable, but that's about it.
As always, feedback is appreciated and I'm sure this piece should garner plenty of it.
In any case, it was fun. I learned some things about my writing, and I get to share it with you guys. 😁 So, a win in my books. 📚
Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙
👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊
Image source.
Peace and stay safe. 🙂
FINALLY! Oh, I've been searching Hive for something twisted (that's written well) and here it is. I was hooked from the start and you've kept me reading since. Well bloody done. Great character development, excellent pacing. This is a wonderful vignette. And your format is refreshingly different.
I have no idea how the US court system works either so, for me, it made sense, didn't break the immersion.
Yo, thanks for the amazing comment, you humble me. I'm glad people seem to like the story. 😌
(my short story anthology series is pretty twisted as well 😉 just sayin).
This is a solid piece- more than serviceable I would say! You have written it such that we don't need the precise details of a courtroom that you might get through research. It keeps us wondering as well. Did he do it? Perhaps we will find out in another short story, or perhaps we will be left wondering!
Thanks dibbsy. 🙂 I wanted my first post here to be one of my better stories. 😅 I'm more bummed out I couldn't hit that self-imposed mark. You saying you liked it does make me feel better though.
It's a good one! I would come back for a continuation for sure! Glad to see you posting here as it is starting to get a bit busier! Tokens soon too ;) !PIZZA
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