Heartstrings IV [Fiction]

in Scholar and Scribe27 days ago (edited)

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PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3


The flash of a fist was all I saw before it connected with my jaw, rattling my teeth and almost severing my head from my neck. At least, that was how it felt. Searing pain unlike anything I'd ever felt pierced my head running down my nape to my spine.

I felt back on the bed, the pillows cushioning my fall. Black spots danced before my eyes but I forced them open to squint at Jasper. He didn't deliver the blow but one of his friends did and….he didn't move a muscle to stop it.

Something took place at that moment.

I oscillated between heartbreak, rage, disappointment and fear for my life at that point. Jasper blinked in surprise and quickly hid the look, glowering at me. Did Jasper want me dead? Who were these men with him?

He drew close to my bedside while the others shifted around, allowing him some space. “You don't have any right to call my name again, mom,” he whispered, his eyes dark and angry. I merely stared at him, my hand cupping my throbbing jaw. The skin was already tender and I could feel it swelling. “Are you even my real mother? You betrayed Dad and think no one will find out eventually…”

“Jasper, listen to me. You've no idea—”

“Silence!” One of the men bellowed. Jasper raised a hand, telling his friend to stand down. Well, he was the leader of the group. My eyes darted between them, trying to photograph the entire scene into my brain.

“No idea?” He scoffed, looked up and back at me. “I bet Dad did not know I'm not his son and you cheated on him. I trusted you.”

I sighed heavily, my heart and head pounding simultaneously. How did a decision made many years ago, seemingly right, turn out to be a grave mistake in the future? “What do you want, Jasper?”

He stretched out a palm. “Keys to Dad's safe and the combination. Now, Kristina!”

The shock of my son calling me by my name took the breath out of me. I gasped loudly. He smirked. I nodded, close to tears, and pointed to my handbag sitting on my vanity desk. “It's….it's in there.”

One of the men standing close to the desk grabbed the handbag and flung it at Jasper. He caught it midair and rummaged through until he found a green heart-shaped keyholder. He took it and made his way to a large, framed painting on the wall of me lying on a bed covered with a gossamer shawl. Eugene painted it, a diversion to lure any attention away from the safe behind it.

Jasper unhooked the painting and smashed it against the wall. My heart cracked alongside the shattering pieces of glass. The painting was special; Eugene's gift made only for our eyes. I shut my eyes and let the tears run down my face.

Within seconds, Jasper unlocked the safe and his friends' eyes bulged at the contents. Stacks of cash, Eugene's bespoke timepieces, international passports and my diamond pieces. My son grinned, pulled out a small bag and emptied the safe leaving behind the passports.

I watched the men quickly retreat, their guns pointed at me. “Jasper! Don't do this,” I managed to utter before the front door shut. They were gone with my things. Eugene's properties. I bent and held the painting to my chest and howled in pain, sobbing my heart out.

I must have fallen asleep on the floor because the buzzing sound of my phone stirred me awake. I winced as the bright ray of the morning sun pierced into my eyes. My memory returned in a flash. My head felt heavy and my sight was blurry, uncoordinated. My jaw still throbbed and I could barely open my mouth. Every part of my body ached but most of all, my heart was broken.

“Hmm, hello?” I whispered.

“Kristina Cruz? It's Khalid Mills. Are you alright?”

Silence. “Mrs Cruz?”

I cleared my throat. “I….I’m cancelling my appointment…I won't be coming in for the test today.”

Khalid Mills paused for a beat before saying calmly, ”Are you quite sure?”

“Very,” I whispered and swallowed unshed tears clogged in my throat. I'd never felt more alone at that moment, not even when my husband passed. Khalid Mills was going to say something but I tapped my phone screen and ended the call.

I held my painting to my chest and gently curled into a ball on the floor, my eyes opened and staring into space as the incident played afresh in my mind.

Jasper broke me.

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Jasper, what have you done? Clearly, there's a misunderstanding between these two characters, so how do you think this will be resolved? Another play of the prodigal son? Perhaps!

See you in the next chapter of this story. Thank you for visiting my blog.

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A shocking story, the son stealing from his own mother and completely destroying her heart. A narrative that involves that situation of many emotional tensions. The next part promises to be very interesting.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Happy day.

You're right. Jasper totally broke his mother's heart and all because he wouldn't hear her out. Let's see how Kristina handles this situation in the next part. Thanks so much for reading! 😊