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RE: New episode of our kids show!

in Home Edders3 years ago

I've featured your post in the @HomeEdders weekly curation and selected you as this week's beneficiary recipient.

Curated by @minismallholding on behalf of @HomeEdders.

Supporting home education and educational content. If you're a home educator, home educated or are thinking about home education, find out what we're about HERE.

You can join the community by clicking the subscribe button on Hive or Peakd.

please feel free to join us on discord.


Wonderful! Thank you. I noticed it was also featured in the Curangel round up too, so thank you @minismallholding again for that :)

Also, I’ve never been a beneficiary recipient before, so that’s really cool and appreciated ❤️

I didn't think you had been so it needed remedying. You're always supporting in the background too.

Ah that’s very kind and thoughtful!
Yeah I curate more than commenting these days. But I will comment on things that resonate with me in the community.