Hello everyone...
It's been a while that I shared something about our activity in teaching our little daughter, but I definitely still read the interesting posts here... just have been enjoying becoming a silent reader.
We have been living in country that doesn't permit "homeschooling", so we simply taught our child things that especially invoke her interest during our relax time.
This is why I didn't keep track about our learning process in orderly manner, because we didn't teach her with a pre-set goal.
We are basically just explaining the stuff that she wanted to know as far as she can catch up with it and the topic is mostly according to her own request.
This year is in fact her first school year but her knowledge level is actually already far advanced than her peers... so she already got bored since a while.
She is somehow a little precocious at some point, but on the other hand..she is also very playful and disorganized like typical children at her age...
So... the initial idea that once came into my mind >>to let her jump classes<< might not be a good idea at all even if she's cognitively capable enough, because higher class would also mean more responsibility, more burdn. It requires more discipline...and she doesn't seem to be ready for that just yet.
The ideal format of education for her is actually the one which can be adjusted to her personal speed and scope of learning materials that make her interested.
And this is something that doesn't exist in Germany. The most one can do here probably to jump classes or to put her into special school for geniuses, which not necessarily what she would enjoy at all even if she is truly diagnosed as one of those special kids.
Jumping classes would force her to mingle with friends who are older than her and have different way of thinking and spending time afterall.
Anyway I need to underline this: "Compulsory School is not the same as Compulsory Education".
I am definitely standing for **"Compulsory Education" **because every children have right to get education for their future sake,
but NOT for Compulsory School...
Because Every Individual Is UNIQUE!
Our children have their own interest, their own specific talent, their own strength and weakness, they have their own speed and pace in learning, so it's not good to put them in the same mold by force because this way we would only restrict them and prevent them from exploring and developing their potential of growth to the max.
However... I didn't do much to make an arrangement for our daughter with the school management because we have decided to migrate soon anyway, and our target country "Philippine" allow "homeschooling", so there are many great and reputable homeschooling providers in this country to choose, so that our daughter can always choose to just learn at home if she feels better with this education style.
But if she enjoys to be in school, we'd not go against it either...
What we want is merely some options for her to freely choose according to what she needs or feel good with.
From the video that I attach here you can see how far she had learnt in math.
Now she's 6 years old, but she is interested in learning about coordinate system and could understand rather well too.
She is not only interested in math, because her favourite channel in YouTube is Silicon Valey Kids 😜, Binogi and everything related to chemistry, outer space, physics and Co 😅 ( I opened an account for her as a child account, a sub account under my supervision, so I could see whatever she watches).
She is now a member of a chess club and has an own account in online chess software.
She could operate a computer, and needs to be noted: my computer is using linux OS.
FYI, I still make sure that she does her homework from her teacher no matter how simple she thinks of them, I don't want her to grow up becoming an arrogant type of person afterall :).
Anyway, why simple, for her age..the things learnt are of course not too simple, but... Well, for her surely it is.
She can read and write well in indonesian, english and german (even if her writing is not pretty LOL), but she had to do the homework which requires her to write single words each time; she can even do calculation with variable, solve a linear function and draw the result in the coordinate system diagram;

on the picture not only that you can see how she solved the function, but you could also see beside the graph >> how she created her own addition problem ( with 3 digit numbers) and solved it well too :). That addition problem is not made by me, it's her own made LOL.
but her homework now is teaching calculation using pictures with the maximal sum of ten. So...you can imagine how bored she is...
But at least, she doesn't have a rough time with her peers. I am still feeling lucky that she doesn't have to face mobbing.
I'm a member of a parent group in facebook whose children starting school this year and I feel bad finding out that mobbing is really not a rare case...
I feel so bad that children at this age already has to experience such a horrible thing.
Hence I feel lucky for my daughter that despite her boredom, she doesn't have to face such a horrible experience.
She doesn't feel bad to go to school everyday although she struggles in waking up early everyday :-D.
As a closure...we have booked our one way ticket to Philippine in March, and started to deal with the paperwork for the longterm residency permit, our friends all have asked about how our daughter react to our migration plan... some people even talking about "selfishly, forcefully uprooting her from her origin etc.pp.
All I can say is: "No one...certainly No body can foresee the future. No body can say that they can always be sure to make the right decision in life, neither can we.
There is certainly a possibility that our decision might end up being a bad decision... but if we never take the risk, there will be no opportunity to get the gain 😌.
Our daughter has been travelling the world and meet people of different culture who speak different languages since she was still a fetus in my womb until now that she's six. She was nearly one year old and started learning to walk when we took her to Krakow with us to take part into the Steemfest (now known as Hivefest), and the travel went on to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Spain, Kostarika...
So for her... it's just one of the adventure her parent can offer her again 😉.
Once she even said that she can't hardly wait...LOL.
I needed to take time explaining to her that it's not as simple as she imagine: we still need to get the paperwork done, to sell the house etc...
And do you know how she replied me?
She said: "Why can't people just go anywhere in the world like the birds fly to somewhere warm in Africa when it's getting cold here...? Human makes their own life harder than it already is..."
I was so stupefied...now no one can deny that SHE has indeed the GENE of Herr @jaki01 LOL. That sentence is a typical sentence that could come out from him 😄.
Anyway...there is nothing to worry about her... I'm convinced that she's coping very well with the migration idea :).
That's it for today, we'll see you again next time in the next post.
Thank you for stopping by and giving upvotes.
Happy new year and may you all have a great year ahead :)
Your daughter reminds me of my eldest daughter in a way. She also used to get bored quickly in school. She loved maths and science too and today she is doing her PhD in genetics and loving her research into Parkinson's disease via her fish models she created. Basically she does science experiments most of her days. 😆 Homeschooling turned out to be the best choice we could have made for her.
We too moved countries when my daughters were small (5 and 7). I never had anyone try to tell me I was bad for uprooting them from their home country, however, my in-laws found it hard when we left.
This made me smile. When I was a few years older than her I remember looking outside my classroom window at the birds and wondering why we weren't allowed to just go anywhere we pleased without passports and permissions, while birds could just fly wherever they wanted to.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Exactly... unfortunately, that would remain a dream :).
It might be the better choice for ours as well, we'll see how things develop later. We'll just try to provide her the best we could offer.
At least in the Philippine we have the options to do so, if she wishes to study at home.
Well..why must we see it so negatively anyway?!
Travelling the world...learning about another cultures personally etc is a very precious experience that is somehow..in fact...even a privilege for most people. The children will have broader mind instead.
Such experience can't be valued with money.
That's understandable... Letting go of children would always be hard to accept for every parents :).
My parent had it hard as well when I decided to move to Germany for my husband. Now it's my in-law who has to deal with the same feeling.
It's not an easy decision, but everyone has a choice to make afterall 😊.
Anyway I believe that for our child, wherever its parent are is home.
She would feel happy as long as we're there for her.
Yes, this is absolutely the truth. The move is more stressful for the parents than it is for the children. For them it's just an adventure. 😆
I hope your move goes smoothly and you settle in well in the Philippines. I'm sure you've seen @Romeskie's posts here on her homeschooling experiences there. They seem to have a lot of good options.
Thank you for the well wishes. Yes,I knew @romeskie . I learnt some interesthing at her blog. It's useful for sure :).
Sometimes, if you try and fight long enough for your aims, dreams might come true in the end ...
Es ist ja längst kein Geheimnis mehr, dass wir beim Thema Homeschooling in zwei verschiedene Paare Schuhen stecken - was allerdings nicht gleichzusetzen ist, mit einer aufkommenden Vermutung, ich könnte deine Argumentation nicht nachvollziehen. Auf die Individualität einer Person (in welchem jungen oder fortgeschrittenen Alter auch immer) ganz spezifisch einzugehen, scheint im momentan praktizierten Schulsystem wahrlich schwer umsetzbar. Hier den Hebel in Form einer Bildungsreform anzusetzen, käme einer genialen Idee sehr nahe. Doch rückblickend in meine eigene Vergangenheit tendiere ich zu der Behauptung, im Kindergarten und den anschließend folgenden Jahren in den verschiedensten »Lehranstalten« das Miteinander in seiner ureigenen Form erlernt zu haben.
Du glaubst doch nicht wirklich, dass Mobbing (wie es neudeutsch genannt wird) in- und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers vorgestern erfunden wurde? Der Handkantenschlag des vermeintlich "Doofen" an den Hals des ausgemachten Besserwissers oder die Faust auf dem Auge des Schwächeren - das ist nichts Neues. Gehört allerdings auch heutzutage leider noch zum alltäglichen Leben. Dass daran auch kein individuell angepasstes Homeschooling etwas ändern wird, steht wohl außer Frage.
Mit der Höchststrafe ins Rennen geschickt, pädagogisch durch und durch geschulte Eltern beim Abendessen am Tisch begrüßen zu können, war ich heilfroh darüber, am Morgen mit den Kumpels in die Schule zu gehen und am Nachmittag all das auszuprobieren, was Erziehungsberechtigte nicht unbedingt wissen müssen.
Bedauerlicherweise liegt mir kein Diagramm vor, welches den Werdegang eines "Regelschülers" und eines "Zuhause-Gelehrten" anhand zweier Linien veranschaulicht. Irgendwo und irgendwann müssen sich beide Linien ja mal schneiden. Jetzt kommt die spannende Frage: Was passiert dann? Geht es Hand in Hand, gemeinsam weiter?
Da hoffe ich ja, im idyllischen Tagaytay auf - zumindest durchschnittlich betrachtet - etwas angenehmere Umgangsformen unter Kindern und Jugendlichen zu treffen.
Es kann gut sein, dass unsere Tochter auch zumindest solange eine der dortigen Schulen besuchen wird, wie sie Freude daran und bis sie Tagalog erlernt hat. Allerdings muss sie es nicht tun, wenn es ihr nicht gefällt.
Ansonsten gibt es dort mehr als genug Möglichkeiten der Bildung von "Schnittpunkten" mit "Regelschülern", so ist mir z. B. aufgefallen, dass im dortigen Schachclub auch zahlreiche Kinder und Jugendliche fröhlich Figuren verschieben. Und auch sonst ist unsere Kleine, im Gegensatz zu mir, extrem kontaktfreudig, so dass sie sicherlich nicht in einem 'Elfenbeinturm' aufwachsen wird.
So jedenfalls meine Prognose, die sich an der zukünftigen Realität wird messen lassen müssen.
Wow. I'm impressed by this little lady. 👍 🙂
Our world is in urgent need of people interested in science, progress and technical advancements of the human race. She seems to be on a very good track to become such a person. You did a good job raising her (so far... 😉).
Thank you for the compliments :).
I will try my best to keep up the "good" work 😁.
It's great that she has such interest and manages to work on it well too, however above all that... I wish more that she would be able to keep her present loveable personality for a looooong loooong time despite the harshness of the world 😁 .
Happy New Year to you and your warm family!
Your little princess is cute and clever. It's great to see her learning math with her Dad and Mom in the video.
P.s. Sometimes, I want to fly like a bird so I can go everywhere that I want, too..... ;)
Happy New Year Tangmo.
Yeah... that would have been nice indeed 😂
Many thanks!😍
"We have been living in country that doesn't permit "homeschooling","
I'm now thinking about how I should say it, in principle it's of course correct, but also not entirely. As is the case in Germany, there are obligations from which you can free yourself, for example from compulsory schooling. I don't want to recommend this at all, but I would just like to mention: Although you basically have to go to school, you don't have the right to go to school - so what do you have to do and that's not theoretical, there are definitely cases: quite simply: You "just" have to behave so badly at school that the school excludes you from attending school. In the first case, this will probably only happen for a few days, maximum 2 weeks, but if you repeat this a few times you will be excluded from attending school and this means that compulsory schooling ends.
By the way, this option used to also be available for conscription: you simply had to join the NPD and of course mention this when you were enlisted and you would not be accepted by the Bundeswehr, meaning that you would no longer have to do military service!
This is Germany life!!! Anyone who behaves badly enough is released from the duties to which those who do not behave badly enough are subject.
… wenn es nur „so einfach“ gewesen wäre. Im Anschluss den Verfassungsschutz 3 Jahrzehnte im Rücken und jede Möglichkeit zur aktiven Teilnahme am öffentlichen Leben mit Hürden bestückt. Da offenbarten sich intelligentere Wege. Ein Studium in Berlin oder Straßburg reichte aus.
Mit dem Verweis von einer öffentlichen Lehranstalt entziehst du dein Kind nicht von der Schulpflicht.
Du hast lediglich das Jugendamt an der Backe kleben.
Bzgl. NPD: ich weiß nicht, ob der Verfassungsschutz wirklich jedem NPD-Mitglied, insbesondere wenn es wieder ausgetreten ist weiter im Nacken sitzt oder ob sich das nicht eher auf die Funktionäre bezieht, aber klar: Ich habe nur eine Möglichkeit aufgezeigt und habe nicht gesagt, dass jeder diese nutzen soll.
Wir müssen in unserem Land aber m.E. wirklich aufpassen wo wir hinsteuern, nachdem sich nun auch Manfred Söder und damit die CSU offiziell der Forderung der AFD nach Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht angeschlossen hat bin ich wirklich sprachlos wie es in unserem Land weiter geht.
Obwohl Söder sonst immer gesagt hat: "Leben & Leben lassen" plädiert er plötzlich für eine Wiedereinführung der Wehrpflicht.
Also ich kann Dir ganz ehrlich sagen, dass ich bei der nächsten Wahl (wieder) ein großes Problem haben werde, weil eigentlich kannst Du von den im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien gar keine (mehr) wählen, eine Schlimmer als die Andere - ich bin da ratlos aktuell.
Also ich kenne Fälle wo die Schule ein Kind vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen hat und es dann einfach zu Hause war.
Bzgl. Jugendamt kannst Du mal davon ausgehen, dass die am Ende auch weder Zeit noch Lust haben sich um Fälle zu kümmern bei denen es nicht um Kindeswohlgefährdung geht.
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit wo die personellen Ressourcen überall sehr ausgedünnt sind (jedenfalls von Allem was ich weiß) können die das gar nicht leisten Eltern "hinterherzustiefeln" nur weil sich deren Kind in der Schule nicht benommen hat, da muss schon mehr vorliegen.
I know what you meant @udow. Die Schule kann im Prinzip auch ein Hausverbot erstellen :-D.
But honestly, I don't want to end up shooting my own foot by doing that method either 😅.
Little J is a very sweet child, she can be a handfull sometimes, but she is by nature a very loveable personality.
She would even give compliments to basically everyone she meet, as long as they seem to have friendly look.
That's actually something that makes me feel more proud compared to her cognitive skills.
Although I sometimes worry that she might annoy people with her niceties.
We know that Germans tend to keep a proper distance to strangers 😁.
Neverthless... I would never ever do something that would cause a risk for her to lose that loveable personality that she has.
Why should she act to behave horribly just to skip school then, that's not the point of all this.
What I'm wishing for her is to have a proper education that suits her better, but not at the risk of losing her good traits.
Und es gibt noch dazu: Eine unendliche Streit mit dem Jugendamt.
Yes you are absolutely right, I think you understand that I wanted just tell you the possibility and not recommend you to force things in that way.
But one thing I want write something:
"We know that Germans tend to keep a proper distance to strangers"
Just cause I really don't like to generalisize I should tell you that in this way you write I disagree - I am also a german and I don't think that I tend to keep a propoer distance to strangers, for me it doesn't matter where somebody come from or what colour have his skin and so on, just what matter is the behaviour and this can be good or bad by strangers as it can be good or bad by germans.
I surely agree that we shouldn't generalize people, I'm my self not typical indonesian mainstream ( I don't always mingle much in a group and prefer to have more privacy for example :-D ).
Neverthless, at some point there are definitely something which can be said as common /typical characteristic of people from particular country because it also has something to do with the upbringing style, the culture and how the society there works.
Generalization is sometimes necessary and has to be done in some particular aspect/for some certain needs.
But anyway in this case I think you misunderstood my point a little bit.
Regarding this sentence:
I didn't actually mean it in a negative way :). I was merely talking about the difference between German and people in Asia or even Spain when it comes to a "safe distance" between persons in order to keep each of them feel comfortable,
especially towards those who are still considered just acquaintance..let alone towards strangers.
Well... at least when the circumstance and place allow them to keep that "safe distance".
The safe distance among German who barely know each others is definitely further than Asians.
So it's more about physical distance.
I'm talking about how you wouldn't expect germans being touchy feely with others who isn't in dating relationship. It's just weird :-D.
But it's rather different in Asia 😉.
Well, I've already been to a few Asian countries and I know that there are differences there. Of course, I can say the most about the Philippines and there I don't have the impression that the relationship towards strangers is very different from my relationship towards strangers. What is very different is the relationship within a family and family is defined very broadly in the Philippines, that is not only the immediate family in the direct line, but also aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. But here too I have to say that I personally think that I am very open, but yes, I have found that this is not always the case. For example, I used to visit my brother often, even lived in his hourse for while (long time ago), but since I was always the one who visit him and I always invited him to come to me every time, but he don't came, I didn't want it to be just one-sided that only I visit him and he doesn't visit me and I have reduced it significantly or haven't been with him for a few years now.
Individuen sind Individuen, was jedoch nichts an statistisch signifikanten Unterschieden zwischen den verschiedenen Ländern ändert.
Nicht umsonst schneidet Deutschland bei Expat-Umfragen in aller Regel sehr schlecht ab - siehe z. B. auch:
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.Learning the coordinates is not easy but you can see that with your daughter you have managed to do it very well, you can really tell that she likes science. And yes, homeschooling is definitely something valuable that allows children to learn at their own pace and according to their interests.
Hi..nice to meet you.
Yeah... I'm surprised that she could understand it at all.
She's very fascinated with science. Few days ago she even said she wants to watch a YouTube-video about a Supernova 😅.
When I was 12 and started to get Physic lesson until I finished my middle school, I didn't even know what it is LOL.
Thank you for sharing about her. I Miss her so much. I remembered I talk to her and now I imagine she is clever than me 😅 Jaki's gen correctly from her face and her brain. Lol 🤭
Oh, so, you and your family Will stay in Philippine? It will be more possible to visit you from Indonesia in the future if I have more money to travel 😊
Yeah... time flies. I hope we could meet again too. Soon we'll be nearer indeed hahaha. And you don't even need visa to visit us later lol.
It is really impressive, learning the coordinates is not something very simple and I notice that your daughter does the calculations very well, besides, if she enjoys it, you will surely have a great scientist at home. Congratulations.
Thank you @emimoron , as long as she likes it. We would try to always satisfy her thirst of knowledge as good as we could 😊.
The last few days she's in the mood for crafts and drawings.
She is making her self busy with it the whole day LOL.
Nice to meet you.
Wow you guys are really impacted knowledge on her. She learn fast. Weldone
Thank you for the compliment and for visiting my blog :). Nice to meet you.
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Such a great share. I hope to homeschool my kids someday, what can be taught at home is more practical than theoretical is what I feel. Glad to see you guys migrate and take on the challenge of learning. It may not be easy at first but there’s always so much more to learn from various places too. 👩🏻🏫👩🏻🔬
Thankyou. That's our consideration as well :).