Three Matching Color Activity Ideas for Toddlers ⭐🍄

in Home Edders3 years ago (edited)

Hi guys,

Color Matching Activities are the best to start with when it comes to small toddlers! They are easy to set up and the most important thing, they are PERFECT if you want to introduce early learning activities with your child. I mean, they are suitable to try with your baby at this age and they will not be tiring or over stimulating your kid.

Actually, these three activities I present you today are some of the first activities I started with my toddler in our homeschooling journey!


Now, the most important thing! Don't begin showing your kid too many colors at once! Try first showing him two colors, then three and so on. You'll know when your toddler is ready to introduce him more or new colors.

Even though your child knows the colors, Color Mathcing Activities that involve him/her sitting at the table in front of a paper, are a bit different for your little one. This activity requires attention, focus and patience.


I want you to consider these things when you make learning activities with your toddler:

1.Choose a good moment for the child. If your baby is sleepy, hungry irritated, sick, tired, it's not a good choise to try making learning activities. They will not be as responsive as they should be. They won't cooperate and you'll only make it worse for them.

2. Choose the same elements for every color. Don't give him/her for example: a flower and a leaf. Give the child 2 leaves or 2 flowers. HE MUSH FOCUS ON THE COLOR, not shape, not size.

3. The child should not be distracted from the activity: choose a place/moment when there aren't many distractions like dogs barking, dad watching tv or eating or talking, TV opened, grandma being around and watering the plants lol. NO ANY OTHER TOYS AROUND THAT THE CHILD CAN SEE! This is very important! Every small distraction can ruin your trying on getting things done. Small kids have attention span really reduced, that's why you may help him/her with this

4. If it's possible, try to find something that your child is interested in. For example, if he/she likes flowers, dogs or whatever, the color matching activity should
be around these things. You can give him to match one blue flower and one red flower. Or a green dinozaur with a purple one, etc.

5. Find a good moment for you too! If you don't have energy/time to do activities with your kid,
and you feel stressed about it, try to relax first. If you're not in your element/a good mood maybe you'll lose the patience and get angry/frustrated and can't manage the situation. Kids can be really something! and even with small things we can lose it.

6. Adjust the activities to the child needs and cognitive development


So, these are our three MATCHING COLORS Activities:

  1. Baby Smoothie Caps on Paper

You'll need a paper, markers and baby-smoothie caps. If you don't have those, pick something similar you already have at home.

This is the only thing you need on the table! No phone, no spoon, no water bottle, Nada!

My son was 1yr and 4mo at the moment.



2. Stars Color Matching ⭐⭐

Easy peasy this one too! Use whatever you like and have around! It can be flowers, leaves, animals, birds, snails, trees, mushrooms, fruits, veggies, circles, triangles, etc etc etc!

White Paper + Marker + Sorting items

It's important to be one single shaped/textile/size items, meaning approximately same size, same shape, same textile etc. The child must focus on color sorting and that's it!

In these photos, my babyboy was 1yr and 5mo.



3. Rectangles matching

Same as the other two! I used some pieces I have from another game. As you can see, the activities are getting more complex as time goes on. That's normal. You do this when you feel your child is ready to it.

My son was 1yr and 5mo, three days later after the activity with the stars.


I hope this is useful to those parents who want to start early learning with their little ones.

I think these activities are easy to work on, they are cheap and requires no time to set up. You will have all you need at home, that's for sure!

Thank you!

Have a wonderful day...or maybe night?

Best wishes, Missdeli


Very cool, if my daughter had this age, I would have defo used these ideas :)

Thank you! I will repeat these for sure in case I'll have another baby :p

Very nice indeed!