Not so Happy Earth Day

in Home Edders14 days ago


Today is Earth day. I'd say happy Earth day, but with what's happening right now, I don't think Mother Earth is happy at all. Why would she be happy? Her seas are riddled with trash, her mountains are bald, her animals in the skies, land, and sea are being driven out from their natural habitats because of human greed. I know the Earth day is a day that celebrates the environmental and a special day to raise awareness of how harsh we humans are to mother earth.

To celebrate Earth day, I'd like to share to you a book that your kids might love and would dramatically raise awareness towards pollution and how it can be resolved. The book is titled Inhale, Exhale. It was written by Becky Bravo and illustradted by Elizabeth Parrocha. This is under the Lampara Books publishing here in the Philippines.

From the title itself, you'll get a gist that it's about air pollution. It's a short story butnit is packed with so much power especially if read aloud to the young children. As you read through the pages through, it also tackles other forms of pollution that we humans causes to Mother Earth. It talks about how every little thing that an individual does that hurt nature adds up and creates a huge impact to our planet. While I was reading this aloud to my daughter, it reminded me that my forgetting to turn off the lights when they're not in use may seem to be just a little thing but it has a contribution to the ongoing problem.

The book also talked about how everyone knows and sees the problem but no one seems to do something about it. There's this part of the story that kept ringing in my ear. Someone else will do something about it. And everyone else thought the same. In the end, nobody did anything about the problem. The example my daughter gave was that when there's a trash on the floor and if everyone of us would think that someone would pick up the trash, then the trash will just stay there.

It's easy to say "Let Greenpeace do that, or let the environmentalists deal with the pollution. It seems like there's really no effect on us whatsoever so we just go on with our lives like we're not breathing the same polluted air as everyone else. We throw trash mindlessly, we buy cars and vehicles because we can, we just use the electricity because it's easy. We love the comfort. We admire the progress. We thirst for innovations.

While writing this, I feel like I'm just a fool dreaming. Who would walk that far under this heat? Who could sleep well without using airconditioning if it's too hot? Who could plant trees if therenisn't any space? And if there is, what plant could survive such a hostile environment? We love the comfort so much, it's too hard to thinknof sollutions that does not involve giving up the thing we love.

Remember how the book said every litle thing that humans did added to the problem. What if we did simple things that added to the solution? The book isn't saying we shouldn't enjoy the good things in life. It's saying each of us is a part of the solution. Trees and plants play a big role in giving us clean, healthy air. If each of us plants a tree, imagine how green Mother Earth would be? If each of us would just feel it is normal to walk a few blocks from the house to the market or church, or mall, or wherever, imagine how much pollution could have not been added to the already dirty air?

Progress have brought humans so far from where we began. From using primitive tools, humans now have sophisticated gadgets that our caveman ancestors never even dreamed of. It wohldn't hurt so much though to slow even just a little bit. If we all just stop for a moment and take a step back, I imagine something might change. Now my daughter understands when we just take a walk when we go to some places that are not that far and if we take the public transportation.

I hope you get a copy of the book Inhale, Exhale. Read it aloud to your kids. Who knows it might help open up their minds too. Who knows on the next few years, it will be a Happy Earth Day for real.


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The earth we have now is not the same as it was before, it's sad to see garbage anywhere. The earth is slowly dying and we humans are one of those contributing to its destruction. 😌

It is true that we all have a responsibility to keep the earth clean, but we are not doing it at all, which are beautiful places like the seashore. has thrown up the garbage.

I just learned for the first time that there's a day that is usually set aside to celebrate the mother earth. That's cool! But, as you have noted, the catastrophe done to the mother earth by mankind is heartbreaking.
I'll like to know if the book you just recommended has its PDF format.

No matter how little the position you keep on earth is, you always have a role to play and one of the best roles is keeping the earth clean.
Happy earth day and I hope the world changes for good
If I’m chanced, I’d make sure to read Inhale, Exhale

I'll search for that book, sakto magbabakasyon na, tambay na naman sa mga booksale hahaha Happy Sad earth day!

Sa shopee ko ata nabili to marse. Maganda sya. Tas isabay mo na rin yung book na Can We Live on Mars. Adarna book ata yun. search mo na lang.

sige marse search ko, thank you! si bunso mahilig na din magbuklat ng books e kakatuwa

You're right, today's Earth Day but is it still worth celebrating because of what we are experiencing now? Hence, I think that to raise awareness, we should learn to hear the outcry of the planet that we live in. Learn to love and take care of it. What we are experiencing now is the fruit of our wrongdoings, little things that can contribute to the destruction of our planet, when added make a huge impact. That's why we should be aware of the things around us.

title on picture shows a mirror to us. as a human being its our duty to protect our earth at every step for living a peaceful life on it.