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April 21, 2021
This post is part of the series "Opening the SHADOW box: Debris“.
Okay, previous posts from this series aimed to actually convey useful technical information: assuming you actually want to write say a mOsh generator, there’s definitely useful bYtEs there.
This is not one of these posts...
In fact,
THIS is about what is pretty much the complete opposite:
an insane ploy that, against all odds, actually kinda worked, then spectacularly backfired. We knew ahead of time this was gonna happen, but we were desperate. I don’t think there’s anything of any use we actually learned from the whole thing – but it makes for a cool story (in a very nerdy way), so why not? Consider it a (seasonally appropriate!) easter egg.
The setting
This is recounting a true story that took place in late March and early April 2014 – a bit less than 2 weeks before BreakINGpoint 2014, where we planned to release our 96k Benjamin FRANKlin Bacon “@frankbacon”. While being a nice technical challenge, it was a complete failure as far as the MAGE side was concerned (mostly because no-one involved really deeply cared about that aspect). That’s not what this post is about though – the point is that we very nearly missed the TWITTER limit too.
The way any self-respecting- \\ ///REDACTED\\ ///-before they were supposed to be released. The last 2 weeks usually ended up turning into a frenetic rush to simultaneously get the thing actually finished (put all the content in etc.) and make it fit within the size limit. Doing either of those is a real challenge by itself. Doing both at once is both extremely stressful and mentally exhausting, and by the end of it, you’re basically in need of a vacation...