As I have been watching LEO for some time now and really like how things develops, I decided to join the fun, despite the struggles I have producing crypto/finance-related content. But I just can't allow myself to not dip my toes some more..
So, I staked my first LEO. Roughly 20 LEO, which isn't much at all. It doesn't really say much about my intentions and obviously don't prove that I am here to stay... But, it is a start, and you have to start somewhere, at some point, if you want in on the fun.

That being said, I have decided to "restart", "reboot" or "start from scratch" or whatever you want to call it on Hive in general.. But more specifically with more focus on LEOFinance and the communities on Hive.

I claimed my rewards and reached 2500 Hive Power, and thought I'd use my liquid HBD to get myself a few LEO tokens. That was one of the steps I knew I had to take, but it was not the first step on my "new adventure", or the "new version" of my Hive adventure. There is more to it than that... I actually had to change my approach and go back to my roots again. I had to go back to how I did things in the early days of STEEM, because truth is that I lost track of things. I lost myself..

For various reasons, both Hive/Steem-related and for a handful of other personal reasons, I stopped having fun a long time ago. With that came changes to my approach and how I actually use this awesome place. I won't say that I am sorry because the only one who've lost something, or been affected by my actions is myself... But I am back. I hope I am. I think I am.
At least this is the first step in the right direction.

Image Source
The above image pretty much describes the feelings and thoughts I've had for a long period of time. Where to go? What to do?
This thing grows into some sort of anxiety and makes things difficult. With time, as I allowed this to go on, it eventually turned into a huge obstacle, and it also changed my behaviour. Long story short, it changed things. I stopped having fun.
When I stop having fun, I also stop giving things my all so to speak. I have to feel passionate. I want to feel passionate. That's when I am at my best so to speak.
It's complicated, but not that complicated.. And the good thing is that I have decided to change things. Even though it might be difficult. I will succeed and this is the first step. I would have come to this decision sooner or later, but the recent things about and with LEOFinance has been a great motivator as well, so I am thankful for that.
Using Hive's standards of sea-creatures, 7 LEO is the same percentage of network ownership as a minnow on Hive (500 coins). You're already a 1-percenter :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's one way to see it. :D
Well, this is just the start. I'll grind, push and strive towards new heights with time, but I'm actually more eager to have fun again. Rewards will come eventually, as long as I continue to have fun. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn 7 LEO makes you a minnow, so I better get to that 7000 range ASAP I want to live that WHALE life
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Don't worry. At this rate you will get their without much issue.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I didn't know about this statistic. I currently have 1.5K LEO Power. It was basically just airdrops, posting and curation rewards. There is still a great opportunity to earn your way up on LEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wish you luck. Lets have a journey together
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you very much! The same to you. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do not believe you will regret this decision. LEO is going to do great things for people. There is a lot of wonderful things going on and it is exciting to be a part of it.
As for your content, it will come. Leofinance is a mecca for financial ideas that easily can be built upon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, LEO looks really promising and it has definitely given me some more motivation lately. Especially after the reward curve change. I think it is exactly what we need and I hope it will bring back more passive/inactive users as well. I'm curious to see if other communities will go the same route in the near future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Other communities have to get themselves going. The change in the reward curve came after leofinace generated a great deal of excitement and had active participation. If it was a dead frontend, the change in the curve would have meant little.
Leofinance is showing how important developing and growing is, not so much just trying to trick people into using a frontend or tag.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is very true. By the looks of it, I would say that Leo is doing an amazing job. It has been hard not to hear about Leo for a while now, so I'd say that things are looking really great. Things seems to be done in a good way and order.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just have to ask - Är du från Sverige?
Ja, det stämmer. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Vad kul ! 3 från Sverige vad jag vet nu.
Ha det gott!
Jag känner inte till så många jag heller, tyvärr. 4 tror jag, inklusive mig själv. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're definitely not going to regret being here, I'll tell you they it's the most lucrative and most meaningful decision I'll make in the cryptosophere. Give it time and dedication.
Thanks, it looks promising and I'm here to stay. I will learn, grow and have fun, and as long as I go back to the point where I was having fun, everything will be okay. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I also plan to stake leo from steem power down. Too hard for me to earn in steem since too many contest to get reward. I don like contest so I decided to power down steem power
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see. Well, I don't make recommendations, but I made sure that Steem deleted my entire history of ~4 years when Justin came on board. I don't want to be a part of Steem for the slightest second, so I made sure my profile went blank. By the looks of it though, LEO seems like a superb community so I'm sure you're doing the right thing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been experiencing similar situations when I don't know what to do and where to go. That I don't know what's my place.
Thanks to Leo, I know feel here like home. Talking about my experiences and what I have discovered online is really rewarding! And people here - they're supportive and inspire you to do more and more!
Have a great Saturday!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's great to hear. Leo definitely seems to be a really great community so I just couldn't allow myself to sit on the fence anymore. I had to join, so dipping my toes is the first step.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Welcome aboard, now's a great time to start with new curation curve!
I take it you know about posting through the leofinance frontend rather than hive and just using the leo tag, the later incurs a 10% 'tax'.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, in fact, I wasn't really aware of this until yesterday. I've started to use leo-frontend whenever I comment on stuff, so it's not long until I use Leo instead of the rest. I like it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post. Buying LEO tokens with liquid HBD is a good idea. And, welcome back! I totally get your point about not giving the best when you don't feel passionate about something. I have the same sentiment sometimes. Makes me want to retreat and just stay away for a while but I'm still here. 9 months after I started on the other blockchain. Glad to know that you're having fun. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you! Yeah, to have fun is important. The most important part for me actually, besides being a part of this awesome adventure. I had to "reboot" my system so to speak, but now I'm back at my roots again. Well, trying to be. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Glad to see you firing up again! Off-topic, but you were a great help to me getting somewhere on Steem/Hive (with support of my primary account), so it's nice to see you "alive" again.
The recent success of LEO has also given me some new-found enthusiasm for exploring the potential of second layer communities on Hive... Of course LeoFinance stands head and shoulders above the rest for now, but I think there may be others with enough focus and good leadership to take off, as well.
And yes, let's have fun!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're very welcome and it feels good to be back at my roots again. :)
LEO is (seems to be) a really, really good thing, and I am sure we will see more great updates and features with time. The new reward curve change is awesome in my opinion. Probably the best thing I've seen in a long time on Hive in general.
Let's keep at it! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta