Stop Imports of Hoe, Aceh Able to Produce For Farmers Throughout Indonesia i Stop Impor Cangkul, Aceh Mampu Memproduksi Untuk Petani di Seluruh Indonesia

in #hive5 years ago

Stop Imports of Hoe, Aceh Able to Produce For Farmers Throughout Indonesia

Some time ago the Minister of Villages and the Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT), Abdul Halim Iskandar visited Pandee Village, Tanoh Paasir District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

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The village is surrounded by a lot of ponds and rice fields. The location is also not far from Malacca survivors. It was in this village that hoes were produced so far. Not only hoes, other handicrafts, such as knives, machetes and rencong and various other items produced in the village.

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However, unfortunately so far the Central Government does not have enough data related to the potential in the village. During this time the Central Government continues to import hoes from abroad. While the domestic population has been struggling to market the hoe product.

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Therefore the presence of the Minister of the Village is a great hope for the people of Pande Village in Tanoh Pasir District to help farmers throughout Indonesia. Especially during the visit, the Minister promised to revive the hoe industry in the village. It's just that, until now there has not been a continuation of the program delivered by the Minister.

It could be due to the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COvid-19), which is currently becoming a world pandemic. Or for other reasons. However, what needs to be known, dozens of years ago, people in the region were supporting t
heir families from the results of the craft.

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Many scholars have been born from residents in the area who work as hoe makers. Indeed, so far the production is still manual, because they have never been trained or given capital for business development. However, residents in the region believe, they are able to meet the needs of hoes for farmers throughout Indonesia if the Minister seriously. thus hoe imports from abroad can be stopped.


Stop Impor Cangkul, Aceh Mampu Memproduksi Untuk Petani di Seluruh Indonesia

Beberapa waktu lalu Menteri Desa dan Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (Mendes PDTT), Abdul Halim Iskandar berkunjung ke Desa Pandee Kecamatan Tanah Pasir, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, Provinsi Aceh.


Desa tersebut banyak dikelilingi tambak dan juga areal sawah. Lokasinya juga tak jauh dari selamat malaka. Di desa tersebutlah cangkul diproduksi selama ini. Bukan hanya cangkul, kerajinan tangan lainnya, seperti pisau, parang dan rencong dan berbagai barang lainnya di produksi di desa tersebut.


Namun, sayangnya selama ini Pemerintah Pusat tidak memiliki cukup data terkait potensi yang berada di desa tersebut. Selama ini Pemerintah Pusat terus-terusan mengimpor cangkul dari luar negeri. Sementara penduduk dalam negeri selama ini kesulitan memasarkan produk cangkul tersebut.


Karena itu kehadiran Menteri Desa tersebut menjadi harapan besar masyarakat Desa Pande Kecamatan Tanoh Pasir untuk membantu petani seluruh Indonesia. Apalagi dalam kunjungan itu Pak Menteri berjanji akan menghidupkan industri cangkul di desa tersebut.

Hanya saja, sampai sekarang belum terdengar lanjutan dari program yang disampaikan Pak Menteri. Bisa saja karena wabah Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) yang sedang menjadi pandemic dunia. Atau karena alasan lain. Namun, yang perlu diketahui, Puluhan tahun lalu, masyarakat di kawasan itu menghidupi keluarganya dari hasil kerajinan tersebut.


Sudah banyak sarjana lahir dari warga di kawasan itu yang bekerja sebagai pembuat cangkul. Memang selama ini produksinya masih dengan cara manual, karena mereka tidak pernah dilatih atau diberikan modal untuk pengembangan usaha.
Namun, warga di kawasan itu meyakini, mereka mampu memenuhi kebutuhan cangkul untuk petani seluruh Indonesia jika Pak Menteri serius, dengan demikian impor cangkul dari luar negeri bisa distop.


Nyoe gawat meunyoe ka aktif lom.

hehehe, mencoba posting di bang @dsatria