To Kill A Hummingbird

in #hive9 months ago (edited)

Photo of the day:
Kitling Kolibri.jpeg
9 paintings of my Mother, belonging to her 'THE HUMMINGBIRD (COLIBRI) AS MYTHICAL CREATURE' collection
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The apple really doesn't fall from the tree. After yesterday blogpost, I felt a little weird. My creative proces pushed my into a direction that was very unclear for me. The main thing I worried about, was whether or not the story made any sense. So, in today's post, I want to share the behind the scenes (or more literal: "in my head") proces of this 5 minute freewrite.

My mom sold two painting of her hummingbird collection this week > the Readytex Art Gallery post about the collection appearing in my newsfeed this morning and me sharing it > me wanting to post about > the idea of three little birds by Bob Marley > The song 'Drieluik' of Typhoon coming up in my head > Me realizing that I used music in yesterday's blogpost > Drieluik being about different perspectives on life > Me getting into a 'conversation' with ChatGPT, that happened to be convinced it knew the lyrics to Drieluik, which it didn't > Me asking to translate the lyrics after giving ChatGPT the lyrics myself > Thinking about what Kolibri (Colibri) is translated in English > Me shortly mixing Hummingbird up with Mockingbird > Looking up why 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is stuck in my head > Realizing what the book is about > Me seeing connections to my daughter's history lesson and my post about it on Facebook, as it looks at different perspectives in life. Which also happens in Drieluik > Me choosing today's blog title > Looking at my Mother's website to link it here... and realizing her last two blog titles and mine feature the words 'In search of' and 'Hummingbird', without us even talking about any part of either of our blogs to one another.

I've decided to stop here for today. Some things are better unfinished. But I do want to share the translation of Drieluik by Typhoon. By the way, a Drieluik is Dutch for a Triptych.

The chorus in Dutch:
"Of, is dat het niet?
Het is gewoon een kwestie van perspectief
Zie je rommel op de ruit of zit er stof op je oog
Het is maar net waar je in gelooft
Ieder in zijn belevingswereld
Goed of slecht
Het is maar net hoeveel waarde je eraan hecht"

The chorus Translated into English:
"Or, isn't that it?
It's just a matter of perspective
Do you see dirt on the window or is it dust in your eye
It's just about what you believe
Everyone has their own world of experience
Good or bad
It just depends on how much value you attach"

I hope you reading this had a good day, if not, I'm sharing some of mine with you:
"Cause every little thing, gonna be alright"

Today, I went 13 out of 20. And yes, I'm already starting to see patterns.

And what that meant? Maybe, I'll share it tomorrow.
Or tomorrow will be a totally different freewrite. Who knows.
