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RE: 1 of the BIGGEST Hive Rewards EVER!!! 2,000 Hive for a Friendlier & Even More Fun Hive Blockchain! #CometWeek HQ ☄️

in #hive3 years ago

Waiting passively can also make caricature of our mindset and fighting spirit because the result is always a lose.

Winning can shorten wait periods and so that's what we wish for you

And I really appreciate this. It would be very nice to have a perfect win-win-win scenario for everyone but it's very rare. In that case, all we can hope for is to win at defining moment in our life.

Thanks for this badge. I'm trying to keep counts 😂

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This conversation with you has prompted a whole cascade of thought around the magic of waiting... and when to know that it is time to take action! Win's come in all shapes and sizes and often go unnoticed. A win might have even been under your nose for the longest time! Those win win (and sometimes WIN!) scenarios do seem few and far between... buuuuuut to the practice operator finding a win can become second nature! Keep training your mind to identify these sorts of things and the puzzle aligns pretty quickly actually! It might surprise you!

Once #CometWeek is over I plan to write my post about the magic of waiting and the magic of now... I sincerely hope that it inspires you as you seek out new ways to win!
