I don’t want to waste any of our time, so I’ll keep it to a few brief points:
- Witnessing blocks isn’t the only thing a witness should be doing
- LF isn’t a top 20 consensus witness but is one of the largest projects on the chain doing the most to grow it externally.
- Yes our witness went down last week for reasons that I don’t feel like saying publicly but involve someone who’s worked with me to run the node. Will be back up soon and witnessing blocks however instead of courteously saying anything to me over DM, other top 20 consensus witnesses decided to immediately talk shit. Not what I want to see from leadership (a few of whom do nothing but witness blocks. Building little of value for hive)
4 The video is merely a suggestion to be more active in governance. Something we should be proud to tell our community to do - The subsequent campaign to talk shit is merely proving my point that there are certain rent seeking witnesses who don’t deserve their top 20 spot but have held it so long, it’s hard to instill a regime change
Open and active discussions about things like this should be widely held and praised for happening. If someone makes a video like what I did, you get attacked in more ways than one (including having our witness go down shortly thereafter).
I’ll continue to publicly state my opinions and if anyone wants to be butthurt about that, then let it show their true nature.
You get upset because someone notifies your witness is malfunctioing in a public channel (which apparently you thought was some "private channel" so not even sure why this bothered you), rather than just DMing you about it. Yet you seem to feel its perfectly fine to then attack them for this in as public a way as possible. The hypocrisy here is a bit much.
Also, as far as I can see you, you make these attacks without asking anyone if your random guesses about reality are even close to accurate. Would you like it if people started making random accusations about you, then published them without even a basic check about the truth of the accusation? You're suggesting @gandalf isn't adding value to Hive? He's one of the key contributors here and works an enormous amount of hours on Hive.
Open and active discussion is fine. Accusing people publicly without even a hint of due diligence is not.
Hello can you please stop supporting @buildawhale as the account is downvoting my original content with the help of Hive power you are delegating thank you
I’m the furthest thing from upset. I’d say, I’m completely indifferent to the whole situation.
No one’s been attacked, though it seems like a simple video was made out to seem like an attack. Would recommend anyone go and listen to the actual video that started it all
Nowhere in the video was Gandalf named. I don’t think anyone was actually named in it
Instead, it called for people to be more active in governance on hive. Somehow that shook trees for certain people
The hypocrisy in all this is that a few people are acting attacked because of a video that called out “people who aren’t doing enough for hive” and didn’t actually mention anyone by name.
If saying that we need more people - especially in paid leadership positions - to step up and do more positive things to grow hive is grounds to be continuously badgered and have a whole campaign made against you (as seen here and in the aforementioned public + private channels on matter most) then that’s a whole corner issue to tackle.
p.s. the message wasn’t notifying us that the witness is down
The message was “look how incompetent they are”
If it was just “hey this is down. Worth a look” etc etc. that’s a whole other story
It’s in the screenshots on this very post
It’s the unproductive drama that I hate. Especially from leadership (top 20 witnesses). And look at what everyone is doing here. More drama. For what?
You can join Open Hive Chat and join the #witness-blocks channel and then set a ping notification for your user name to be notified of missed blocks.
It is not my preferred way of doing it, but it's easy to setup and at least gives you bare minimum notification.
If you use FRIDAY, it also has notifications. They also have notification for stale price feeds.
Add in redundancy with a fail over script and you can eliminate downtime altogether.
There are solutions and they are not difficult or complex.
I don't think you see the irony of saying you should be top 20 when you are not even remotely doing the bare minimum to be a proper witness. I could care less about the statements about current witnesses and so on, I don't fully disagree with some of what is said. I do however take offense to expecting to be top 20 when it would put our chain at risk.
Witnesses are not leadership, they are merely here to do a job and keep the chain running and safe. Granted they may do other things.
I also take offense to your statement on Discord calling your community to change their witness votes because your feelings were hurt. This is disgusting and comically immature.
@khaleelkazi doesn't like being pinged...
It takes 2 seconds to disable your witness, which should have been your immediate action upon hearing about this 8+ days ago. Also the moment I started "publicly stating my opinion" in your discord you started trying to shut it down (I quit, I'm sick of your fake bs).
If you're asking people to review their votes, maybe you should examine your own votes first ?
It’s frankly the behavior I was talking about in the original content that started all this. Why everyone is so afraid of actual constructive criticism, I’ll never understand
You’re not one of the witnesses I’ve called out (and by the way, the original content didn’t call anyone out by name. Certain people - probably rightly - took offense to it). I actually feel you’ve done a lot for the chain and respect what you’ve done.
But are we seriously going to sit around and say that all top 20 witnesses deserve those spots? Are all 20 of them doing enough for hive to get paid and be in consensus?
Let’s be honest about that. That’s all I did. The backlash that’s come up since that video is WILD to see.
The only response I remember was you trying to silence me when I gave context to your call to unvote the witnesses that called you out for failing at witnessing.
Maybe you should proxy your votes to the other account instead of wasting it on disabled witnesses.
I would have engaged if you had given an actual response (eg: "We'll disable our witness now, oops!") instead of just trying to shut me up. I'm sick with a fever and impatient af so I just bailed rather then get sucked into a pointless argument likely to end in a discord ban anyway.
I'm making no argument for or against the t20, and until you fix your own shit you shouldn't be either.
It’s worth watching the original content that started all this
In it, a mere “I wish some of the top 20 were doing more for hive” was said
Some have taken that to create all this drama
Drama is a waste of time. I merely have said more people - especially in leadership positions - should do more for hive.
If anyone has an argument to say that that statement is a bad one to make, then they are likely the ones being spoken about.
I had no problem with that statement, or the video. For me its purely about a failing witness missing blocks and potentially causing network instability, spending their time calling for other people to be unvoted instead of just fixing the problem people are complaining about. Everything else is irrelevant imo.
I'm more active then people think, I observe a lot without engaging. I don't need anymore drama in my life. To focus on this feels like a distraction from the actual issue everyone else is trying to discuss with you. I see the witness is disabled now so I can move on.
Focused pragmatism.
Nobody creates as much drama as people who claim to hate drama.
If you expect to be a top 20
Witness you shouldn’t need anyone to tell you, you should have systems in place to notify you and even redundancy.
lol that’s not what I wrote and those things were in place till the video I made clearly pissed off the people who I was talking about without naming
I wrote that their response was shit talking as opposed to productive. It’s quite obvious if you read the screenshots you yourself included
Witnesses should be productively working together to grow the chain
Simply sitting back and witnessing blocks is 10%. That’s the entry fee to even being in the conversation. There’s so much needed on hive to actually make this chain succeed
The community will continue to be fed up by rent seekers
Let’s worry about producing blocks first.
Seems you’re doing a good job of that already
Now let’s worry about growing the chain and being productive in other ways.
I take it rather serious, I have 5 nodes across the world and have a complex monitoring system. I believe it is important.