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RE: The path Hive follows

in #hive3 years ago

Obscure, digital money-generating, anti-establishment fighting, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep-web-money-laundering related, taxation-is-theft promulgating, Latvian-Origami making, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid-mentality acquired, North Korean crotchet weaving, revolutionary-mindset thinking, ecosystem.

That´s a cool definition of Hive. Someone should make it official. Somehow. Somewhere. But yeah, I get your points and I agree. Also, I read that "vax - antivax post and the comments" and for a while, I even wanted to participate but honestly, I am already fed up with exactly this type of conversation so I decided to skip it... But I view this whole thing in a very similar way to yours.