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RE: There is no community without Human Interactions

in #hivelast year (edited)

I have begun to look to see if you have downvoted for flagrant use of AI and chose not to upvote for my part. It is important that we all feel that our blogs are our own domain and beauty/value is in the eye of the beholder, but there must be an eye to behold. I spend considerable time each day blogging and it is time consuming. Somedays I just can't get it done, from the photos, to the write-up and the formatting ... it is a mult-hour affair. The use of AI beyond say to translate a blog already written into another language, or to play around with in a drawing program is not fair-play. If we all did this the blockchain would be virtually useless. I mean does AI read itself and enjoy itself.

I appreciate you tackling this. Thank you.


I am quite vocal about my personal thoughts, there are consequences associated with that. I take that burden on my own shoulder as I said in the post.