Hand Made Floating House for My Tortoise!

in #hive3 years ago

This is a new experience for me. I made this floating house for my tortoises. I have two tortoises and a lots of gappi fish in a small fish pond. The gappies are so much naughty that sometimes my tortoises can't take rest becouse of their baiting. Thats why I made it by my self.


To prepare it I've used cork sheet and one time food parcel box. I've attached the one time box with the cork sheet by glue and bamboo stick.

To decorate it I've used a ice cream pot as a flower vase and some white stone. I've put some decorative plants on the flower vase and put the stones in the base of the tree.


After hardening of the glue I'll float it in my fish pond and keep the tortoises on it so that they could use is as their home. And ofcourse I'll share the next situations with you guys.

Before that please let me know through comments that how my hand made Tortoile House is and do you have any suggestions to renovate or decorate it?
Thanks in Advance😇