Goodbye BRAVE and Hello HIVE browser!

in #hive4 months ago

Hello SPIers, today we explore the idea of a HIVE web browser. There has been lots of talk over the past few months about the DHF and alot of people are not happy with the way it is being used.


All this talk about DHF really kicked off after a proposal for a HIVE rally car got approved. In the past 4 months, the HIVE rally has cost the community $192k. Maybe it's over my head but I dont see how spending this amount on a rally car comes back to HIVE. From my pea brain, it looks like HIVE is funding a team to travel and race around Europe living their best lives. Thats seems to be the view of most people I've spoken to about it so I might be wrong but im not alone.


Promoting and onboarding to HIVE is very important and im all down for the project to receive funding from the DFH if it has a good plan. Alot that do get funded from the DHF are worthy and add tons of value to HIVE but some not so much. Why does hivebuzz get 280 HBD a day? For what? badges and websites that track HIVE accounts? Is that worth $204k over 2 years? We know why it gets funded but nobody will say cause they are scared. When it comes to getting funding from DHF, it appears that a few accounts decide and many follow.

Anyways, as I said, the DHF has been a hot topic for the past few months and I dont see how it can be that hard to come up with a decent idea to promote HIVE. When someone first told me about the HIVE rally car, I thought they were trolling me.

Why not promote HIVE to people who are interested in earning free crypto?

Would that not make more sense compared to promoting to people who are interested in watching rally car racing?

Why not HIVE browser? - Think Brave browser but with HIVE rewards!

50% of you are thinking...

and the other 50%...

No, hear me out. Im not a coder and not that smart but I know it's possible to clone Google Chrome as the Brave browser did because its open source.

How many people started to use Brave because it had a built-in ad blockers and people can earn free BAT crypto from watching ads if enabled? Search "earn free crypto" on youtube, google, reddit and you'll get mostly results like "Top 10 ways to earn free crypto" and Brave browser is always in them lists, always, always. Hundreds of millions of people know about the Brave browser because they can earn free crypto for watching or viewing ads.

Why waste good money to promote HIVE to people who dont care when you can build something that others will promote for us to our target end user for free? Ie, build a HIVE browser that gives out free crypto rewards and crypto YouTubers will shill it for free?


Think Braver browser with ad blockers, HIVE keychain integration and people can sign up to HIVE directly from the browser homepage. You run pop-up video ads like Brave and do an 80/20% ad revenue split with 80% going to people who watch ads. Converting ad revenue dollars into HIVE would create some consistent buying pressure on HIVE as well.

Even if it were to get 1 million downloads, if 2% of these people, 1 in 50 started to blog are interact with the blockchain through splinterlands and just staking HBD to get 20%, that's 20k new active users. If 1 in 10 from the remaining 990k were just watching ads to get free crypto, that's 99k new HIVE accounts that would need to be created to claim them.

1 million downloads would be alot for us but the potential would be much more. Brave as an example has 73M monthly users, 26M daily users and 1.6M content creators.

Anyways, thats my fart post for today. Tell me why this is a crap idea and why it would not work?


I think this would be the perfect for HIVE keychain team because their wallet is so universally used within HIVE and it never has downtime are issues plus they have good onboarding and HIVE explainer tutorials built in that pop up for new users.

SPinvest and any linked accounts, @spinvest, @spi-store, @eddie-earner and @dailydab do not vote on any proposals because the balances of these accounts are not owned by any single person and not everyone agrees on the same thing. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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I love the idea. This is an idea that could work!


@spinvest! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bulliontools. (4/20)

Thanks man,

Im sure it would not be an easy thing to do but everything is possible. You know any full stack devs that will work for free? 🤣

!LOL no, I wish 😆

Why did the scarecrow win an Oscar ?
He was best in his field .

Credit: reddit
@spinvest, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bulliontools

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Why didn't I ever think about that!

The best ideas are the simplest ones.

Great proposal. Many having would immediately switch to the hive decentralised incentivised browser.

A bit of AI thrown in.

Hive needs a DAO which gives whales one vote. Otherwise we have a pseudo centralised system.

I was downvoted and demonetised on a post by a single whale, who doesn't like my views on the war.

Nothing I can do apparently.

Justin Sun could cut a deal with the top six whales, and were back to the Steemit debacle.

Lets progress, not regress.

Whales do have alot of power, maybe too much.

There is a bunch of jack asses on here that make up rules then break them and punish everyone else if they do to lol its so corrupt its hillarious.

I think the Brave Hive Browser idea is very smart and something I would put my vote behind a DHF proposal for as I am sure would many other people.

I think it's an awesome idea. Sadly I would have no idea where to even get started on such a project let alone the costs and what it would take to operate and maintain it.

Even if I did, I'd need the blessing from HIVE whales!

I believe that Hive Keychain already does the work of 80% of a browser, but I understand your idea. Create something similar to Brave to reward users of the Hive ecosystem. But that would have some complications like: Will it only work in the Hive ecosystem? How would it be a reward system in HIVE or HBD tokens since they can only be rewarded through the existing system? What would this browser do differently from Hive Keychain? Lastly, and most importantly, why would using a Hive browser be better than any browser for accessing Web 3?

It would be perfect for keychain to expand to a full browser.

The HIVE reward pool for the HIVE browser would come from ad revenue so self-funded and would not interfere with the current HIVE reward pool. We take dollar ad revenue and convert it into HIVE.

What would a browser do differently than a keychain? I dont really understand how to answer that cause Keychain is a browser add-on. They are 2 different things, like asking what does a shoelace do differently compared to a shoe.

Why would people use it? Like Brave, people came for the free crypto and stayed for the ad blockers.

Absolutely love the idea.

Thank you 😁


$PIZZA slices delivered:
bulliontools tipped spinvest
@relict(1/15) tipped @spinvest

Great idea even if it is aiming big.
The most important part of this is external revenue from ads that buys back hive and keeps pressure on it.
For all of the projects built on hive only splinterlands put any buying pressure on the hive market as all the other refuse to think like businesses.

If they all generated revenue and used it to buy hive off the markets we would be looking at a different story right now.

Damn right,

The ad revenue would be very important, it would maybe be the most important part of the whole thing cause no ad revenue, no browser rewards, no reason for people to download the browser.

I agree alot more projects should be more focused on bringing in new funds. I think if someone were to create a real-world business for HIVE that brought real world profits back to HIVE and create buying pressure, that would just be the bees knees.

Do you think DFH would fund someone to start a catering business? HIVE burger? We put QR codes on the wrappers and make 1 in 25 wrappers a winner for 10 hive, LOL! You know what, that would be a cool post!! Im going to write about that 🤣

Splinterlands Smash Burger with Monster sauce

Thanks for the seed thought 😘

We better hope SPL stays alive its like a huge user base that would just leave. Most SPL players are on hive just bc of that otherwise there are better places to be right now to play games and make money where its not as controlled by a select few who pillage it.

I love the idea.

Thank you, I love coming up with ideas. Sadly I lack the skills are clout to make them a reality. haha.

Thanks for checking out the post and leaving a comment

It's... worth exploring. Hive Keychain already has a browser, by the way, but for mobile devices. No rewards, just the browser.

Ahhh, someone else said something like that. I never knew Keychain already had a browser.

So this would be perfect way for them to upgrade (maybe)

So this would be perfect way for them to upgrade (maybe)

Indeed, that would be a perfect way for them to upgrade.

But always keep in mind that the most intense and exponentially most difficult work is not in the consumption of the time, attention and effort necessary to develop the Keychain dApp code as a full blown Hive browser as you wish. But rather in the quest, attraction, recruitment, convincing, retention and maintenance of possible potential candidates who actually would be willing to invest in it as advertisers in order to get the AD revenue that everything in the project would need so your idea could really work. };)

Sounds good. I started using brave because of free BAT.

i remember when bat paid a lot out per day when it first came out and was very low price then blew up and paid for my internet for a few years.

Wasn't frequent here, 1 or 2 ads per day.

I did the max adds and the token was not worth crap then lol Once it spiked I cashed out of it and that was quite a decent return for doing absolutely nothing lol. I guess it was prob worth it for them bc now they have tons of users and don't pay out nearly that much. Its better than any other one I know of at least we get paid something for using the browser and seeing there random ads that do not even bug me at all. It would be sweet if they started paying more again but i doubt it.

Seems promising

@tipu curate

Sorry, please curate posts not older than 1 day.

The car was prob a big stakeholder or a bunch of them who wanted a car and pushed it though there is plenty of corruption on here. Im guessing if i look there are some gatekeepers to the DHF prob the same ppl that operate the DV squad to lower reward distributions bringing money back to the DHF. All the DVs paid for that car prob lol