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RE: Splinter Royale Logs #0 - Beginning

in #hive8 months ago

Building a game is the easy part, the tokenomics is what is so difficult. Most games lean on being a ponzi or resort to gambling. It's very hard to get around that while keeping people interested. Everyone wants to make 101%+ return on investment as soon as possible.

Good games require a lot of client side action, which needs server side verification because you can't trust the client, especially when you add crypto.

I have a few game ideas and some in progress with a couple live. The tokenomics issues are what prevents me from doing a lot more.


I know what you mean. I'm not planning around own tokenomics right now. I think that's a distraction around great gameplay. Splinterlands already has enough tokenomics and more use-cases for the tokens/assets is IMO more beneficial than new tokens. (which is also difficult to get right, as you mentioned)

Re: client-side. All of the logic for the game is happening on the server. Client makes actions ofc, but those are verified on the server as well. 🙂

Oh and didn't know you're making games. Anything I might have seen already?

Excellent decision. It's far easier to implement tokenomics once a core community is established as well. Bolt-on tokenomics if you will. Even Splinterlands saw its greatest growth after doing so when it came to DEC and SPS introductions. I see future tokenomic options as reserve ammo to spur growth on should it become needed.

I have a very simple idle game on hive called ape Mining Club which was more of an experiment. I have a few games on iOS and Android as well as working on some for another chain. I did have planned a couple games for Hive Punks originally but I don’t think I will finish them.