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RE: The state of Hive /

in #hive2 years ago

Excellent overview. Over the years we have been very proud of the plethora of changes that have taken place here in the community. We saw the potential all the way back in 2017 when we made our first post. Despite the upvote bots and illusion of decentralization, it was obvious that there was a community forming here that dared to dream of a different future.
"A society thats united through a sense of belonging, ideologically in tune and with an almost collective understanding of where its going." This is what has persevered through all of the turbulence of the past years. I've had moments where I'm extremely active, and others where I disappear for a while (nature of a touring musician), but I piece of my heart is invested in this community and I'm very proud to see it grow. #hiveisalive


Oh youre the guys with the violin. I remember some of your videos in the past. Really amazing. My wife is a concert master violinist and we would comment on the cool idea you guys had.
Nice you dropped into the comments.

Thanks! Appreciate your words.