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RE: Hive Keychain Development Proposal #2

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

Perfect work.

What I would love to see in the future is some QR-Code scanning feature for this Mobile Version for payments. Would be an awesome swiss knife then :)

Edit: What is if you loss your smartphone? How save are the funds?

Will be on-chain Tokens (SMT/HMT) later added too if there are implemented?



What I would love to see in the future is some QR-Code scanning feature for this Mobile Version for payments. Would be an awesome swiss knife then :)

Yea that's definitely something we could implement. Good idea!

What is if you loss your smartphone? How save are the funds?

The App is pretty secure, for using your wallet, a thief would have to first unlock your phone, then know the PIN you use in App, and somehow have access to your biometrics.

Will be on-chain Tokens (SMT/HMT) later added too if there are implemented?

Yes, we will always make it a priority on both the extension and the mobile App to implement new features from Hard Forks, especially this one.

Very cool.

Really love the evolution of keychain to the ultimate hive management/connection tool.