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RE: Progress

in #hive3 years ago

If core functions work, I would start a closed alpha/ or release it. You can always add things and perfection is always impossible :)

Also, randoms on the Internet find always every bug/exploit possible, if it doesn't deal with tons of money, it can be fixed afterward:D

Take your time, and tell me in numbers from 1 to 10 how cool it would be. 10 is hot shit :)

please 10 ( because I like cool things)


To be clear, the decision not to release it, wasn't because I didn't think it was ready or that I didn't want to, but because there were reasons that required me to postpone it.

Though in hindsight I think it could also be seen as a good thing that it's not yet live, as core functions changed heavily in the past few months/weeks and the USP got clearer. Not to mention that one can always spend more time cleaning up code, writing tests, etc. :D

In terms of coolness: Maybe a strong 8? I guess what I can say is that it's a Social Media Plattform, and AFAIk there is no other app on Hive nor outside that takes a similar angle to the Social Media experience than what I've been working on.

My vision is to create a similarly dramatic shift to Social Media as the iPhone did to smartphones by removing the keyboard and adding a touchscreen; while all other phone companies only thought about how to "improve/customize" the keyboard.

Whether I can achieve that is yet to be seen ofc, but that's at least the goal. :)

Can't wait to see it.

My vision is to create a similarly dramatic shift to Social Media as the iPhone did to smartphones by removing the keyboard and adding a touchscreen; while all other phone companies only thought about how to "improve/customize" the keyboard.

No idea what I should imagine :D I would think something like " brings things together".

Again, cant wait to see it :D