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RE: Feathered Friends

in #hive1064444 years ago

Such beautiful birds those cardinals! Great capture with the woodpecker and cardinal.
Did those mallards stay all winter there? We are quite a ways away before we have a thaw and the ducks return.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful bird photos!
I have some in my post here
I had photos of the sap sucker which looks very much like the downy woodpecker. I know we have both here I think I have to research the difference. In the summer you can tell they are sap sucker for the leave a line of holes drilled around the trees to get the sap but of course they can't do that in the winter.


I have some open water year round, where the water from my spring flows into the river. Ducks and geese congregate there, but The river has not froze over this year, so there are plenty of ducks and lots of geese around this winter.

I have both downy and red bellied Woodpeckers. The only difference in them is their size. They both look very much like your sapsucker.


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