Do or don't vote to return stake to users.
When I say you, I am referring to the individuals responsible
You assume that we voted for centralization. We voted to keep two factions at war in order to maintain decentralization. It was the best thing to do since all of the witnesses decided to act grossly without consulting the community. FREEZING STAKES IS NOT OKAY NO MATTER WHOSE STAKE YOU FREEZE (I don't condone it right now on Steem either, but you did it first. By doing it, you sparked this whole mess). The witnesses tried to turn the Steem blockchain into a piece of ransomware by doing something that was likely extortion (imo). That is not virtuous. The other faction's actions were not virtuous either. I voted to keep you in a stale mate.
Whatever the case, you have no virtue. This whole blacklist even existing is utterly absurd. It directly and ironically contradicts the principles you claim to hold, and it only proves that a power hungry and immature group of corrupt individuals created this blockchain. Now you are giving a fake reevaluation to feign moral superiority.
Hive is not legitimate as a blockchain. All of its transactions from before the launch date are void, and therefore fictional thanks to your airdrop. You sacrificed the legitimacy of your blockchain in order to spite those who you grossly and wrongly judged, and I hope you suffer because of it.
Maybe if you give myself, my father, and all of the others who were wronged their stake back I will reevaluate you, but the corruption (and fictional transactions) will always exist none-the-less. This whole situation proves that the system of governance here, and on steem needs to change.
This does not look good to the world, and it has hurt me in more ways than you can imagine. I spent the duration of High school thinking this was a community I could trust. Boy was I wrong, and man does it hurt.
I would vote for what I think is right, but I seem to be missing a majority of my stake.
Good luck in your "voting". You should have remained decentralized and left damnation to God. Hive may be alive, but principle seems to be dead.
Justin Sun's hostile attempts were seem on day 1 the moment there was talk about merging steem to tron [centralized btfs system] and doing a coin swap. Justin Sun would have illegally used the restricted coins to take over governance to achieve this, there was no other choice than to freeze the funds. When Justin Sun started to use his restricted tron to vote on project on tron, and his past project of disappearing competing projects, that proved there was an existential threat to the chain and the freeze soon followed.
How long do you think the stalemate would have lasted? It was a ticking time bomb that would detonate as the exchanges unfroze their stake-and they were giving a priority of withdrawels to Justin Sun's accounts. They literally, according to Huobi, unleashed ransomware on their exchange servers to take control of the steem block chain. This wasn't a friendly game of hopscotch, that was a hostile takeover unlike any seen in block chain history and violated many laws in the process. When the exchanges removed their votes, he used steem stake that was restricted to never be used to control governance into doing just that-another illegal act. Your voting to keep things in a stalemate is a complete bullshit, you were enabling a felon to use illegal stake to gain at a minimum leverage he wasn't entitled to and worst more time to regain full unlawful control of the chain.
Secondly, no one took your hive [or steem] away from you. You voted for Justin Sun the scammer. You got to Keep your steem, and you suffered no harm.
In regards to allegedly not being airdropped hive, Your aren't pleading ignorance, that you weren't using steem at the time, that you didn't see the announcement of hive, nor that you were mentally incompetent, you are being vindictive likely because you knowingly had malicious intent and got left behind on a quite valuable air drop.
You still sound young. One common error is that a person who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. I am not saying to trust attorneys either, but you need to start finding a better advocate for yourself. While people will make up their own minds and probably won't care what you or I say, what do you personally hope to achieve with your above argument except make yourself look like a foolish little entitled brat. If you think so poorly of hive, why would you want free hive tokens? So you can dump them? So will others on the same list think of you possibly harming their chances of being compensated?
One of the more sinister things about understanding rhetoric, is the ability of people to read into what you aren't explicitly saying or what they are trying to avoid admitting. I am not sure that you would pick up that skill in college, but you might develop that skill in litigation-perhaps even marketing. You might now pick up so easily on them when spoken face to face, because you are used to years of socializing with people normal enough to you to chose to be around-instead of deceitful people like Justin Sun.
Since you lost nothing, and are doing nothing to advance your cause to speak of, you should accept this as a free learning experience to do your own due diligence. Just about everyone made some painful financial mistakes in their early days of investing, mistakes are how many people unfortunately learn what not to do. Many people who have been hodling for years may feel a lot of pain.
Furthermore, take some time to study statistics and corporate finance-or better actuarial sciences. Get over the idea of fast Crypto money. Maybe, maybe not, the days of crypto mooning is over. A Crypto volitility still remains for daytraders. With a new proposed Steem tron token, maybe Justin Sun would have printed out say 400 billion steem, and gave all but 300M of them to tron holders to sell. That was a rarely address existential threat was the lack of details about the token swap and air drop. So just developing the skills of reading into what isn't explicitly being said isn't enough, you have to do your own SWOT analysis-and you have to study the history of the actors, including reading court documents. With the new dlive, btt stakers are stealing 25% of the profits from dlive content producers-including their donations. The vampiric sucking of the life blood from one project to fuel another of his choosing-one that could change to another token of his choice on a whim and without warning in his schemes
Furthermore, spend more time understanding the Chinese Communist party. They have their rapey tentacles all over the globe, and will disappear, financially punish, or otherwise cancel any speaker they don't like. Steem was supposed to be a first amendment refuge from the tech giants they control. You can understand why Justin Sun Steemit first development on the steem chain was to censor users, why the find ambition was to centralized it. It's not to say Steem doesn't have a future, it will likely be modified to be compatible with the whims of the CCP.