This month was the first Hive Power Up Day (PUD) in cooperation with @hivebuzz. It was a big experiment for all of us and super cool to see how people on Hive responded to it!
We contacted @traciyork (the PUD organizer) and @jeanlucsr (the badge initiator) to get their feedback about this last edition.
While I was blown away by the response to last month's Hive PUD (the first one I was able to plan for, since @streetstyle's unexpected absence from the blockchain) I think this one was even more incredible!
I don't have any official numbers yet, but I get the feeling that we at least matched, if not surpassed, last month's participation, and the badge surprise really amped up the excitement!
There was definitely more chatter on Twitter about Power Up Day, and I think @hivebuzz's tweet had a great deal to do with it. Thanks again to the HiveBuzz team and to @jeanlucsr for making this a PUD to remember and as I've said elsewhere, I can't wait for @streetstyle to get back and see all this!
I loved it. The response was great. There were several people no longer eligible for the HIVE-PUD prizes over 70 rep, or over 8000 HP that decided to join in just for the Badge, which is cool!
And important sidenote:
I do want to remind people that Hivebuzz works with UTC time. I saw quite some people doing their HIVE power up at night but after UTC midnightAlso, some people power up twice, don't know to what extent that creates an issue (like a 60 HP and a 50 HP power up at separate times instead of 110 HP at once)
Last but not least. I saw 131 people got the badge. I think what would be interesting to see is how many people powered-up over 100 HP on August 1st compared to July 1st
With 100 HP, you get around 100 eligible accounts per PUD (June: 106 - July: 103). So yes, a 25-30% increase in people powering up 100+ HP on Hive Power Up Day. I would consider that a win :smile:
Of course, we want to at least double that on September 1st
What are the PUD stats of this month?
A total of 131 Users did power-up at least 100 HIVE on the 1st of August (UTC time) and therefore successfully received the PUD Badge!
That makes a total of 97123 HIVE powered up in one day!
Let's compare with previous editions of the PUD:
Not that much increase in the total amount of HIVE powered-up, but the number of participants is steadily rising, meaning more people having fun participating in this event.
Why is that great?
For the community as a whole, it's a great way to show support for our blockchain home by powering up Hive and like this give it more value.
In addition to making the single vote bigger and adding to the curation rewards, it also strengthens the single user influence on the blockchain.
Become a Sponsor
Some amazing members of the Hive community are supporting the PUD already giving prizes like deligations or giveaways to the participants to motivate them.
To see if you had a chance to win something after joining the PUD and what kind of prices may wait for you check out @traciyork s post about that
She will do another post today about the potential winners and prizes and then announce the winners on the 5th of August.
If you want to become a sponsor as well, let them know.
The Hivebuzz Team
Working on building up my $HIVE purse for September's #hivePUD operation.
Can't wait to see you participating in the next PUD @tonygreene113
I can't say thank you enough to the @hivebuzz team and @jeanlucsr for making this badge a reality! And it's amazingly encouraging to see how many people are joining in on #HivePUD and how @streetstyle's initiative is inspiring others, like @victoriabsb's #HPUD for the Spanish Hive community! Now I should probably stop saying, "thank you" and get back to putting together the unofficial winners list... 😂
One last thing before I go, though...
that badge is soooo cute!! clearly a bee on steroids but a cute bee still lol
A bee on steroids 🤣🤣🤣
the arms!!! look at the arms it clearly has been taking them for a while too LMAO
Steroids or beeta blockers... I'll see myself out 👉 😉 🚪
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You are welcome
Hivers good personality and piece
You're welcome @traciyork.
We are also happy to see how people reacted and there might be some additional fun at the next edition.
"PUD Organizator" is a weird title...it was plenty fun for me watching all of the #hivepud #hpud tags being generated.
Fixed the title. Glad to read you had fun @tonygreene113
This is just fantastic! Thanks so much to the @hivebuzz team and to everyone who participated.
I'm not going to repeat, because @nickyhavey said it:

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Thank you @fionasfavourites
We join you in congratulations to @traciyork and @jeanlucsr
I'm not as giffy as @traciyork, but I decided to make a gif to show my thanks!
A big hive5:
HAha, well @traciyork is indeed the queen of Gifs, but still a nice one @jeanlucsr😉🙂
Thanks @hivebuzz!
I'll try to make one HIVE GIF at least once a week. Just so @traciyork doesn't disown me 😂
Hahaha looking forward to that battle 😉
It's more of a tribute 😅
Hahaha! I wouldn't even dream of competing with @traciyork, the queen of gifs... Gesture much appreciated, thank you! 🙏😊
She really is the Queen of Gifs (and good juju) is @traciyork!
You'll be pleased to know, I've had my cheese toastie now and I'm feeling human again 😃
Glad you retained your powers from the cheese toastie.
I ended up eating a complete pork chop afterwards 😂
Damn that's impressive! Haha 😂
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No... that's hungry 🤣
Awesome in more ways than one, congratulations keeping this rolling....
Thank you @joanstewart
that badge is so so fun!!! thank you again @arcange for allowing me to have it! i really really appreciated!
You're welcome @victoriabsb.
It made me really happy to enable you to get the badge given the excellent work you do at promoting the PUD in the Hispanic community.
Love the stats and a big thank you @hivebuzz for adding in another cool thing with the badges! Hoping to pick mine up next month, going to start saving HIVE for it 😁
Massive thanks to @traciyork for being an amazeballs awesomesauce organiser for the main #HivePUD event and @jeanlucsr for the badge thought as well!
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😂 😊💜
Can I get a jar of this "Thanks Honey"? That sounds like awesomesauce 😂🤗
Thank you @nickyhavey
See you at the next PUD occurrence. There might be more fun things.
100%power up all the time comments posts and yeah! Might as well earn interest on all of it and increase the votes going out.
Power it all up!!!!!
That's the spirit @ganjafarmer!
Gracias a la colmena de @hivebuzz por las insignias otorgadas a sus usuarios, la cual nos motiva a seguir avanzando en la plataforma..
Gracias por tus palabras @madridbg! Es un placer nuestro animar a la gente de HIVE y mantener las buenas vibras aqui 🙂👍
Loved the graph just above this comment. These illustrations are simple, but very powerful. Thank you for putting this report together, as I know it is a significant investment of time! 👍
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You are very welcome @brofund-leo! We always try to do the best for our community 🙂👍 Thanks for your support!
If I have enough saving of hive, I will join the PUD, thank you @hivebizz for the information.
Can wait to see you participating in the next PUD @crazygal
I will do it so I will grow my account quickly.
That' s the spirit @crazygal 👍🙂
I've got to admit, the badge made the #HPUD more exciting. <3
He he, thank you @arrliinn.
Stay tuned... more fun to come...
Haha I almost missed it as I powered up with less than 2 hours left.
Well done @enforcer48!
Better almost late than too late 😅
I support this despite not qualifying for a prize. It ought to give Hive a little boost each month.
Thank you @steevc
It's great to see more smaller accounts getting involved for sure, I quite like my badge too!
Glad to read you got (and like) the badge and thank you for participating in the PUD @revisesociology
Nice one
Thank you @tobywalter