Emissions set to surge in 2021: IEA

in #hivecommerce3 years ago

CO2 Emissions

The International Energy Agency warns that cash flow into fossil fuels in the post-Covid recovery will see carbon dioxide emissions jump in 2021 to its second biggest annual rise in history. The economic rebound is currently “anything but sustainable”, writes the IEA in a report published on Tuesday, in part because coal-fired power is making a big comeback in Asia. It puts the world on track to reverse 80% of the decline in emissions seen in 2020.

IEA Report

The International Energy Agency (IEA)’s new Global Energy Review 2021 shows that this economic recovery is anything but sustainable for our climate.

Diets do not work. Same as with weight loss and health diets are usually set to failure or just short term success. Usually people will gain weight right after they are done with that diet and usually they will get to higher weight than before. The true solutions is changing our habits and lifestyle - a balanced one. Same story with climate, being locked down with no mobility options, restricted with our industry and economy was just a diet. We need to change our consumption and production habits for enduring our fight for climate.

It’s like that movie, Ground Hogs Day. Except without Bill Murray, and without a happy ending.

But I'm still partially optimistic renewables will continue to emerge and make great impact in our energy mix. With the improvements made in IEEE 1547-2018, solar PV inverters now would have the capability of supporting the grid stability. With the US government's approach to cut cost of solar by 60% within the next 10 years is a positive outlook for the energy sector.

I think it's a journey and we will get there, however, stakeholders like the government, organizations (both private, public, NGOs...) all have a role to play in making the life supporting planet (Earth for now) a more sustainable place.