EXODE announces a massive Esdrovian Armor sale!

in #hivegaming2 months ago (edited)

Hear hear!

Citizens of the new galaxy are soon going to be cooked, suffocated and suffering about a hundred deadly miseries!!!... What can we do!!!

Pressure Elindos to release access to their armor suits?

Sure, that works!
Unless.... unless you don't have that special biohazard protection?
this new respirator?
this decontamination layer?
and what about the "hazard proximity buzzer" to warn you?
do you know what your environmental protection score means?

But there is another solution:

Thanks to the ESDROVIAN ARMOR DOCKS (capitals necessary),
you'll see your colonists saved and thankful!

Esdrovian Armors coming to the rescue!

A major sale is coming tomorrow: we announce that we now target Esdrovian Armor Docks for coming out of mint.

We determined the last mints to be 42 units (reaching 121 in total) and then it is over for this contract pack.


A central part for planet explorers and resource collectors, Esdrovian Armor Docks is a contract pack that will provide armor suit modifications:

You will get modules to install on existing suits and sometimes new armor suits too.

Respirators, weapon hardpoints, secondary ammo slot, inventory capacity, more scouting, more team speed, more manual dexterity, more environmental protection... everything and anything can be obtained there as "module cards" usable to upgrade existing suits.

Yes and I put team speed and dexterity in bold, because I know how you are.

They are what is factored in your productivity after all, as you collect more food and stuff if you get there faster. But other items are important... to keep you alive too!

How to participate?

Starting tomorrow at 6 PM UTC you will be able to place orders with special discounts for the Esdrovian Armor Docks.

While event and supplies last, you will be able to use your privilege discounts.

Privilege discounts mean that you can reduce the price of a contract. Discount can go up to -60 USD compared to its normal price.

You have this just by having beta boosters and beta contracts in your inventory, so there is nothing to do!

Your privilege was already calculated before the event. The price reduction is -1.50 USD per beta booster you have and -20 USD per beta contract you have. Privilege discounts only last during the event and for contracts you already owned at the beginning of the event.

Because we know you appreciate bonuses, there will be two special bonuses with this one.

Bonus #1 :
For every purchased contract pack during this event before December 19th, you will gain a special 25 USD discount to apply to an event coming next Friday evening (December 20th at 6 PM UTC).

Discount will be applicable as one per pack.

We really WANT to tell you you will be also interested in this event Friday, and that -25 USD will also reduce by one half the price of a 50 USD pack available there, so it something you don't want to miss.

It will be the sale of a special market node for EXODE,
which we will detail in a next article.

A market node handles shipments of trades between colonies in the new galaxy. There is one owned by EXODE.

Bonus #2 :
We found that the last raffle was very fun and creating a special unique card that would easily be worth > 100 USD. So we are doing another raffle! It's Christmas time!

For every purchased contract pack during this event, you will gain a special raffle ticket.
And you will get two tickets actually for the first contract you take!

The raffle will determine 10 random winners (one activated every 4 mints sold), with every ticket having 1 weight. There will be a leaderboard like last time with first purchaser being the favored one in case of ties.

Every winner will get one special Starship Cloaking Module, the ESC-1117 'Darkeye' modification.

The 6 top accounts in the leaderboard will also each get 1 card automatically.
Last but not least, the top place will also get two elite copies of ESC-1117.

Cloaking Module

ESC stands for Experimental Starship Cloaking.

This new cloaking module is installed inside a starship - it fits as an equipment set.
Once something is darkeyed, it just is no longer there - or at least, for radar detection.

The ESC-1117 Darkeye, a new legendary Equipment Set.

It dramatically extends stealth, it works on ships already with a cloaking device or without, and can even be used later to give to any starship and Origin the same capacity as a Stealth Transport Commander.

Stealth Transport Commander is an ability usually reserved to a special Beta Origin who would be specialized in this.

So you could have a Stranded Trader Origin, or a Cruise Ship Captain, put that over your transport ship or even Colombus, and enjoy the benefits of a Stealth Transport.

Colombus has a stealth flaw so technically on a Colombus your stealth is just tremendously better, mind you... but less good than on a Taurus. But it works.

Or you could use it on a scientific ship and use it as a help to study anomalies.

The ESC-1117 can not be perfect - it is not a cheat code into EXODE engine and the alien mind. But it comes close to being perfect, as your starship could enjoy as much as 6 times longer duration in space without being detected.

There will be other stealth devices and cloaking modules in beta but the ESC-1117 Darkeye stands as the only legendary one and more especially, the only one giving to your Origin the Stealth Transport Commander ability.

This means you can combine an existing Origin with this new power as well ; which means access other Origin factions too, such as military, civilian and scientific starships.

The Stealth Transport commander ability is otherwise only available to a special Beta Origin card ( a booster one )... which we would want you to discover by yourself when opening your collection!

EXODE is a science fiction game currently played on HIVE.
It can be played by just taking any of the 10 USD beta starters!

Feel free to try it here, or to join our Discord if you have any question

Remember the sale which starts tomorrow: Sunday, 6 PM UTC.
And the other one starting on Friday, December 20th, at 6 PM UTC!



The Columbus is now Not so Easily Detected !!


I really had a good laugh on that one :D