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RE: Hive Guide

in #hiveguide4 years ago

Keychain was so totally game changing when it came out. I love using it. I actually tend to avoid front ends that don't integrate it now because it is just too much of a time suck for me otherwise. This looks like a really great guide. I have been doing my part by claiming account creation tokens with my resource credits when I remember to do it.


Ahahahahaha. I loved it right away but it didn't move to Hive very well for me. I ended up with a hybrid between Steem and Hive Keychain. That didn't work well. It's all fixed now, and I really like it again!

Yes, I had that same issue. It was definitely causing some weird stuff on my accounts. I actually went in and changed all of my keys a bit ago just to be safe. It makes me feel a little safer that my Hive and Steem keys aren't the same.

Yep, me too. Nobody can get anything out of Steem, but I don't like the idea of the same keys...