Crypto Chronicles: When Less Means More

in #hodllast year


Summer was supposed to be a scorcher, ablaze with excitement and a wild bullish ride. Yet, here we are, experiencing an unexpectedly cool season (seriously, where's that global warming?), with a lackluster vibe in my neck of the woods, and the crypto market? Well, it's practically nodding off. Sure, we've witnessed a correction over the past few months, but let's be honest, it's been about as thrilling as watching paint dry.

Guess what? The majority is back to eagerly anticipating a crash. Can you even believe it? During bull markets, it's like a broken record, the plebs hankering for crashes, setting themselves up once again for a rendezvous with financial catastrophe. You know the saying, right? "Bull markets start on disbelief, continue on... and end in euphoria." The same cycle, the same story, yet some folks keep fervently chanting the "this time is different" anthem.

But let's not kid ourselves – it ain't gonna be different. If you're thinking I'm spouting bullish gibberish, then do yourself a favor and bookmark this article. Circle back in two years, and if I'm proven wrong, I'll gracefully accept whatever digital pies you want to throw in my virtual face. But here's my bet: the majority will once again be teetering on the precipice of capitulation at the worst possible moment.

Remember how they played the waiting game at the $15K bottom, holding out for $12K, a price that never bothered to make an appearance? Then they pulled the same act at $25K, and now they're dusting off that same script, casting longing eyes at a BTC drop to $25K or possibly even lower. By the time BTC rockets past $50K, their alarms will be sluggishly awakening them from their slumber, slowly realizing that we've been deep into a bull market for nearly a year (admittedly, the early phase), and even then, they'll be gingerly testing the waters, waiting for those darn pullbacks before they dare dip their toes.


Ah, 2024, the year of elections in the U.S. and various other nations. Why does America hog the spotlight? Because it's the puppeteer of traditional markets, and oh, don't forget the impending Bitcoin halving. But hey, what could possibly go wrong, right? "But, sir, what if a recession comes knocking?" Well, let's be real, we're sailing into uncharted territory. Are we headed for a storm, or will we glide smoothly along with the current inflation levels? Your guess is as good as mine.

Here's a nugget of wisdom – markets often dance to a different beat than the economy. The economy grooves to the rhythms of data and capital, while markets? They're the embodiment of fear and greed. "But, sir, who's gonna touch my bitcorn during a recession?" Fear not, my friend, for BlackRock shall emerge from the shadows. They've devoured nearly every corporation on the planet (okay, not really), so why wouldn't they take a bite of your Bitcoin too?

Veteran investors claim that 90% of rookies obliterate 90% of their portfolios within their first 90 market days (in any market). Been there, done that. How about you?


Why is the majority eternally lost in the labyrinth of market confusion, perpetually on the wrong side of the trade (and life in general)? Because most are petrified to buy when the streets run red with blood and insufferably smug when profits beckon, obstinately refusing to seize them. Been there, done that, more times than I care to admit. Hence my pledge to outfox, outmaneuver, and outthink the majority this cycle.

The forthcoming years in crypto are set to birth fortunes, as the stage is primed for a digital revolution. The metaverse, AI, the whole nine yards – they'll lean on crypto's shoulders for full-throttle functionality. In the metaverse, cash will be about as useful as a shovel in a spaceship. So, why keep stacking those fiat chips?

Even if we're staring at a recession, will you lean toward gold, Bitcoin, Tesla stocks, or forward-looking crypto projects? Or will you clutch those deflating fiat currencies? Me? I'm playing the risk card, plunking myself firmly into the crypto universe for the next chapter – or chapters – of my financial journey.

I'm pretty much all in on crypto. My portfolio towers over my fiat stash, and some might call that audacious. But hey, I'm embracing the audacity. During the last bull market's early stages, I clung to my cash mountain, watching coins ascend while I clung to my "modest portfolio," envisioning wealth as the market reached dizzying heights.


Spoiler alert: I didn't strike it rich. When it comes to life-altering financial moves, you need to put your money where your mouth is. This bull run won't be serving me millionaire dreams on a silver platter – I lack the funds and luck for such a lavish feast. Still, I'm confident I'll emerge from this cycle in better shape than the last.

Don't just swallow my words hook, line, and sinker. These posts often serve to fortify my convictions, more than they aim to reshape someone else's financial fate. Wisdom beckons from every corner – all you need to do is open your arms, widen your eyes, and embrace it.

Thanks for your attention,