Holidays... who else is missing them?

in #holidays4 years ago

Now I know some of you have seen the caption and thought – what the hell Tami… why are you making us think about travel destinations when we can’t really go anywhere!

I’m sorry - not my intention – but for a moment just take yourself away from the aspects of ‘lockdown’, ‘social distancing’, and ‘face masks’ and think about where you would REALLY like to go. Could this then be your next destination as a treat following these unprecedented times – or is it somewhere on your bucket list??

Because of all of this going on in the world I had to postpone a holiday that has been over a year in the making... my fly-drive holiday travelling around the west coast of the USA!


Over the past few years I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out and about, exploring different countries and once this situation has sorted itself out I look forward to enjoying more trips…

My first trip was back in April 2018 when I took a trip to Amsterdam with my bestie! It was a good trip, and I would probably go again but there are too many other places that I want to go!
My second trip, but first 'solo' trip was in August 2018 when I took to Paris 😀 I had never been before and I have to say - it was amazing. So many people were telling me not to go on my own and when I did they were all telling me to be careful! 🤣


After that I had the 'bug' for travelling - even more so, going solo!!! It became a habit - pretty much every school holiday after that (except Christmas) I arranged a holiday! In October I travelled to Barcelona, February was Iceland and then April was Rome! All were absolutely fantastic and if I had to rank them I don't actually think I could - although I do think Barcelona is just taking the top spot - I could go back again and again!


In May I took another of my city breaks to Lisbon, but this time I was joined by 3 of my close friends and it was fun but a completely different experience to my other trips...
Then finally, in October 2019 I took another 'solo' trip to Berlin! It was another beautiful city but did not compete with my top 3 cities...


I did then have Barcelona part 2 booked for April 2020 but COVID hit... So instead that got cancelled, my USA trip was postponed and I also have Budapest booked for March 2021 - fingers crossed that it goes ahead. 🤞 And of course - let's not forget my USA trip - July 2021 😁

How about you… what do you have to look forward to??

I started to think about new destinations to look forward to and where I would like to plan to go...
Some of the more exotic places will be trips of a lifetime that I know I will eventually get to do but I thought I would share anyway...

Can you guess where they are before you continue to read??


So the photos above are of New Zealand and Australia (particularly Sydney to begin with). I would love to experience the culture and see the amazing sights that these countries have to offer.


The photos above are a total luxury, if not lottery win destination. The top photo you may have mistaken for the Northern Lights… these are actually the Southern Lights that I would love to go and see after experiencing the Northern Lights when I was in Iceland. The other photo is of Bora Bora – full on luxury and paradise! Defo my lottery win holiday LOL.

Your turn – share with me your once in a lifetime holiday destination and why 😊