6 Important Tips To Start An Oyster Mushroom Business

in #homesteading7 years ago

6 Important Tips To Start An Oyster Mushroom Business

Oyster Mushroom Cultivation business is one of the most profitable business opportunities. Then how to cultivate oyster mushrooms? Check out this article.
image When making a decision to start a new business, you will certainly prepare many things first. Making the right plan and business budget are two things you can not just ignore, because this will affect your success in running the business.

After all, the business will be one or even the main source of income in your finances, so it's important that you plan as well as possible from the beginning.

But beyond these two things, choosing the type of business that you will run someday is another important thing that can not be forgotten. Do not let you run a business that you do not understand at all, because it is very risky and could cause losses in the future.

It's important for you to choose the kind of business that you understand well from the start, or even better if you're running a business that you're interested in from the beginning.

Basically there are many home-based businesses that you can run easily, even those that require only a small amount of capital, such as oyster mushroom cultivation business.

Business Tips Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

If you are interested in cultivating oyster mushrooms, then try to collect the most accurate information related to the business, so you do have enough understanding and knowledge to run it.

Start your oyster mushroom business with a planned, consider some of the following tips that you can apply in the business :

1. Choose and set up the right location

Oyster mushrooms require a special kumbung (planting space), because this plant will grow only in certain moisture.

So make sure you have the right kumbung to grow the oyster mushrooms. It aims to make your oyster mushrooms grow well and maximally. If the kumbung is too hot / solid, usually the fungus will experience decay.

But on the other hand, if too moist, then pests and other diseases will also develop and attack the plant. Take a good look at this from the start, because it's important to choose the right kumbung with the right temperature and humidity.

2. Prepare the best mushroom seeds

For the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, you should be able to find and choose the best mushroom seeds. This will greatly affect your harvest later, because it is trying to cultivate fungus seeds that are feasible and reliable.

Certified seeds you can get in the agricultural service or other mushroom farmers who have experienced produce good quality mushroom seeds. The price may vary, so you must be observant to find mushrooms at a price that also makes sense.
But if you do have a good ability in doing nursery, then there is no harm in your own breeding mushrooms that you will plant it.

3. Plant and treat well

Oyster mushroom is different from other plants, because this plant will you plant indoors only. It is important for you to understand how to plant good, especially if this will be the first mushroom crop for you.
Learn how to set the position and also the mushroom preparation from the beginning, so you more easily when treating and harvesting it later.

4. Fill the nutrients properly

If you breed your own oyster mushrooms early on, it is important to understand the composition of the planting medium (baglog) you will be using.
Do not let one component in it too much or even less, because this will make your harvest is not maximal.

5. Do watering regularly

Mushrooms will also need watering, even up to 2-3 times a day. Make sure you mamahami rules this watering well from the beginning, so you do not do it excessively or even less.

6. Beware of pests

Always keep your kumbung clean and also the growing media you use. It aims to keep your mushroom plants from pest caterpillars, ants, and others.

If you start your business with the right steps and a good understanding, then you will be easier in managing and developing it to the fullest.

The 6 tips above will be very important if you really want to seriously in the business of oyster mushroom cultivation. Hopefully this article useful, do not forget to read other business inspiration articles only at @ghaziya blog. thanks.