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RE: My 18 Year Old Self Asks, What Kind Of Life Is That?

thank you for your wonderful and reflective response!

I never considered that the world would need people who have the earth, and connection between people, and community, and a self sustaining mentality, as part of their priorities.

You put this so well... And I think it's an excellent summary of the gist I was getting at. In other times perhaps this wasn't as necessary, and we can see past generations weren't seeking to "balance" our culture in this way. In fact, most of my grandparents made it as far away from the farm as they could!! Each generation I think is given this task of balancing their time with right livelihood - for ours, I think the split so many of us (including you and Drew) are feeling is this split with the earth and the need to return using the skills we've gleaned in our modern culture with the resurgence of old yet timeless wisdom.

Again, thanks for your apt reflection-- I, too, can relate to much of what you said! The "white picket fence" dream never called me to either. I think that dissatisfaction so many of us feel is a secret gift leading us "outside of the box" as you say :D <3