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RE: Fire in Front of the Bambu Guest House

God this must be a scary moment. We had 7 fires close to our land, late this summer. They where all man made and the person setting fire was never caught. The 7 fires where burning whithin 3 weeks. It was a truly scary time in our life. Luckily our property was in a ver early state of development and quite clen from dry brush and grasses, so no big harm could have been done by the fire. Still we did not sleep well in that time.
Is your area a fire prone area like the mediterranean climate?


Yes we also have fire risks around here. But not usually in our little microclimate. It is very unnerving though. You kind of just feel like a sitting duck.

Absolutely. But you don't have any thought on how that fire could have been started? Could have been as simple as a burning cigarette butt.

We think some young kids just playing around...