Going inna woods?!

Im strongly considering to leave germany.
For a multitude of reasons, ive allways thought about moving to a place with a cheap cost of living and maybe code from there, build myself up, so the idea is not new at all.

However, in the wake of covid, and i personaly have autoimmunedisorders,i actualy can not get the vaccine. Now, if and how any exemptions from mandates work, i certainly dont trust the pencilpushers to keep that consistent even within the same ruleset of the same nation much less internationaly. So i must fear not being able to leave in the future.

And it is a scary enviroment on top of that, a family member literally cut ties and wishes death on some people that she was friends with for what 50 years? all over them not being vaccinated. Just like im not. Now, sure, in my case she knows i legit cant get the vaccine, but weve seen how untrusting people are, hence why vaccine passports are a thing. You could just make it a crime to enter places while unvaccinated without requiring any proof of vaccination. Thats how a society where you can trust each other would do such restrictions, not that id support it but at least youd not be presumed guilty rather than innocent.

Now if i am to leave germany, ill probably have to do it within weeks of the new year at most. Ill be very underprepared.
I am a physicly disabled autistic guy on welfare. Accordingly, im not well funded, either. I am however thinking i may take my chances in paraguay. Land starting at 25$ a hectare (250-500ish for actual developed ranches, not sure if the animals are included but either way... cheap), nobody will tell me how i can or cant build on said land, either. I mean unless i build nukes or something outlandish as that.
With the climate, crops can grow all year round on that land, too.
I can make a woodgas generator to run an engine to make electricity, build a mudhut, buy a used car (and make a drivers license, i cant actualy drive yet, but then appearently noone there can from what i read so...), those kinda things. Will i survive? Maybe. Though i will have to find an income to cover my medical expenses, approximately 200€ a month which isnt a lot in germany but it is there and of course i will lose welfare and health coverage.
Now i can code, however the issue with that approach is that internet costs 165$ (plus equipment and what not) per month for 500 KILObit download - and only for 1 hour a day after which itll be throttled even beyond that. On the other hand, maybe youd upvote regular posts from there enough to cover that bill?
I wouldnt count on that or anything else for that matter. But i would have to leave here within probably weeks or i may be stuck in germany.

Its not like me to jump in the cold water with something as massive as this. But i feel like i will not have a choice, its either now or never, do or die.

The more i think about it the more realistic it seems to generally survive and even thrive. Aside from my medical issues and the costs related to that.
But, hey, if i die, ill die on my terms. And if i thrive, ill do it on my terms, too.

Im excited and scared, i just hope im not going to be a deer in the headlights.
Espacialy if i... well, if i book a flight and dont know for certain ill be able to take it for all of those reasons, the cost of the flight alone is big enough to impact me quite a bit if im still here afterwards...

I did speak about it to some of my family as well as one of my doctors since ill have to still get my prescriptions if im there and all that. That part should work out. May want to see some other specialists and what not, too, but the clock is ticking.

Though, if you want to make my survival more likely (and gurantee ill go, if i suddenly find enough coins to cover at least the flights and some time of accomodation than the fear of losing the flight cost in such a way would be gone. Actualy to avoid my indecisiveness, let me force myself: If i receive 2000€ worth of coin, ill book a flight within the week (not neccessarily flying in the same week, heck the flight itself takes nearly a day, in some cases over a day...) you can send me some coins.

Another thing, if there is interest, ill happily post regular updates on everything, espacialy if i someone funds my internet which theres people that would like to know im safe probably, may not be that difficult,and if i do that, i will also be transparent about my expenses so that other people can get a better idea of the costs of such a project and how it turns out. And for most people it may turn out better, at least here im not that functional. Though thats mostly related to beurocracy, doing my own thing i can often be quite succesful, sad that in germany there is little that isnt regulated, relegated to mostly the digital realm or emerging technology. Anyways, yes, i know this is insane, the world is insane, being crazy is an asset in upside-down land.

Best Regards
Roland Tiberius Gauss

Bitcoin: 12konDnSED66SzmCPWs8Yg5US2zbL8snZf
Ethereum: 0xc7A0a64aA8932414551475D47f829C9Ee3830f76
Monero: 42awLDgeWUEKVzXjEGmMDuD4AgSxQW6MvEfNBnpHpP7m2m7vrn5eBXHX6Y3FWxLFLdBdsewLuJbhVKuqgv9ZN33U33BNnU6
Doge: DGkYzp1m3rE4NG8ktEyXLjsGrKwjbcB1q5