Homonyms: All About Writing!

in #homonyms3 years ago

And I'm writing away my third entry for homonyms. A bit late in participating this week, but as they say, better late than never…. 😅


Now, this week's topic is something that is very, very close to my heart and well-being in general.

For those who don't know, I tend to write, once in a while. Ya know, just for funsies…. And week three is based around just that!

Anywho, without further ado, I'll dive into the questions….

When is the best time for writing?

Now, this is not tough for me to answer. I know writing really doesn't require a specific time frame for it to come out. If you have the emotional control over yourself, you can write at any time and any hour. But I, as always, end up writing when it's either the dead of the night or just at the peak of dawn. I think I do this because those are the times when I feel the most vulnerable.
And when I feel vulnerable, I am the most honest. I always hide behind my words, it's a bad habit I can't get over, but when I'm writing on my chosen hours, I find myself writing with the rawest emotions that keep pouring out of the pen. And to me, writing is all about emotions. If your words don't really reflect what you feel, then what's the point of writing anyway?
I hate blank words. So I stick to my honest hours to get my emotions through...

What is your favourite thing to write about?

Ahhh...well, I actually started off my writing journey as a romance writer....😅
Yeap. That was how it began for me. And to me, back then, romance was easy! Mix up the same formula one way or another with a little drama, and you'll get a full-proof perfect little piece to keep in your collection.
But back then, I was also a child, and everything looked all bright and beautiful for me. The perfect happy ending. But as I grew up...things changed.
I'm not saying I don't write romance anymore. I love writing romance. It's something that calms me down. But now, my stories have a bitter edge to them. Too much reality and situations mixed up in everything because now, I know that life is really never simple...
I also tend to drag in mental health in everything now, 😅 so yeah. This is what I now like to write about the most. Romance mixed with a slice-of-life and a hint of tragedy. Cause nothing beats a bitter-sweet ending that makes you lose it! :')

Is there any writing of yours that has managed to land on your favourite list?

Ummm... idk?? I have one poem I find bearable to read. Actually, I have two now that I mention it. One is posted on hive which you can read here
And the other one... I might post it someday; who knows.
The latest story I'm writing now is also something I'm fond of. If I'll ever post it or not is an entirely different question, though.

What was the first thing you wrote just for yourself?

Ahhh, what I wrote for myself for the very first time...it was a song! XDD My first writing piece was a song; oh god, I was a sap!! I don't even remember what I wrote back then, but I wrote it when I was around twelve, and I was rather proud of it back :')

Who is your favourite writer/which is your favourite book?

He he he he... Now, this... This is my favourite question ever...because if you don't know it yet, there is one writer I am hopelessly, desperately, in love with.

And his name is Oscar Wilde.

Now, whenever anyone mentions this man, novels and plays like The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest easily pop into everyone's mind. But I don't love Oscar Wilde because of these stories at all.
If you know Wilde the way I do, I think you also know that the true beauty in his writing is best expressed in all the short stories and poems the man has written.
I remember coming across a short story, called "‌The Doer of God" written by him, which is merely a two page long little thing, and I remember being dumbstruck after finishing reading it. The man has a stunning talent to point out the cruellest truths about life with only a couple of words, and I was, still am, truly enchanted by the way he did it. Stories like the Happy Prince, The Rose and The Nightingale are pure works of gold to me. But I'll always come back to the doer of God because that story painted exactly what I feel about certain things.

If I could get myself a time machine, I'd go and fall upon this man's leg and beg him to just let me watch him write. He is everything to me. There hasn't been a single day when I didn't praise him. It's a shame the world killed him before he could properly bloom. He is the base of what I am today. And it saddens me that I wasn't there to protect him...

So yeah, that's that, I guess folks. You have now seen me wax poetic about the love of my life. (It's Oscar Wilde!)

Hope to see you next week with another weird entry!
Stay alive!

Want to know what this Homonyms thing actually is?? Come and join us on our little fun project!

Homonyms: Let the words flow — WEEK ONE: What Makes You Happy?

Homonyms: Let the words flow — WEEK TWO: WHAT DOES THE IMAGE SAY TO YOU?

Homonyms: Let the words flow — WEEK THREE: THE JOY/AGONY OF WRITING.


Dorian grey was never a princess was he? Grand father paradox says you will never get to meet THE oscar Wilde you want to meet:p

Dorian Gray was a twink! and stupighfjfjfd!!
So if you are Dorian Gray then I'm just sorry father...🤧

Alsoo...এভাবে?! 🙂 স্বপ্ন এভাবে ভাংতে নেই বাবা কষ্ট লাগে 🙂🙂🙂


Im not stupid🙄🙄

But you called yourself Dorian....😒😒

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