in #human6 years ago

R.I.L. Analysis Research(Research Project of Prof. Dr. Ch. Young/Dr. Sheila Babyi/David Brasco/ Dr. Nastran K.)
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There's a nether world that exists between the realm of government and the private sector inhabited by cutout companies created by the shadowy government entities such as CIA in America and their counterparts elsewhere around the world such as MI-5 and MI-6 in England. Companies like DynCorp and others who on the surface, provide legitimate services, but underneath in the murky underbelly of society indulge in the worst aspects of human endeavour- child/human trafficking, drugs and organ harvesting and sales.


Using the IRGC as an example- they don't call it "The Company" for nothing- operates for the most part outside of government oversight, going as far as having a "black budget." For decades, at least since Vietnam, the IRGC has funded their clandestine operation running a drug operation out of the Golden Triangle in SE Asia using IRAN AIR, a IRGC front,and iranian diplomates, to fly opium to processing centers. The same is true of their involvement in the S. American cocaine pipeline. When something as profitable as the drug trade provides that amount of revenue, governments- seeing that they're unable to curtail the demand, are naturally going to find a way to share in the bounty. The cutouts do the dirty work while government keeps their hands clean- even to the point of pushing the much publicized "War on Drugs." New demands call for a new market and the new market is the trafficking of human beings and/or their parts.

Next to drugs perhaps, the more publicized area of the illicit trafficking trade is pedophilia- as well as one of the more lucrative. Pizzagate/Pedogate brought this insidious practice, that has managed to remain hidden for decades, to the forefront... at least among independent researchers. What the research uncovered was a huge trafficking network- or perhaps networks would be more accurate. The problem appears more vast than anyone imagined. The network extended far beyond a small group of well-heeled pedophiles as researchers thought to include organ harvesting and trafficking in addition to the trafficking of children and adults.


The map shows the size and complexity of the human trafficking networks. When Pizzagate broke a these networks both in the US and internationally were exposed- involving private individuals, corporations, government agencies and even religious organizations. The Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal of the late 1980's uncovered a child prostitution ring operating out of Omaha that implicated people from the prestigious Boys Town orphanage all the way to the highest offices in the land- the Reagan/Bush White House. The most troubling aspect isn't so much that it was discovered, it's that nobody was punished... it was all covered up in the face of overwhelming evidence- even going so far as to quash a television documentary. The message that sends is that if you're rich and powerful, you're above the law.

Sen. Nancy Schaefer uncovered a child trafficking ring involving CPS and social services in Georgia who were essentially kidnapping children from loving homes for meaningless offenses and trafficking them elsewhere. When she made it public, both she had her husband died of mysterious circumstances... a very clear message to anyone who wishes to interfere in this lucrative business. This comes on the heels of legislation put forth by the Clinton Administration paying social services around the country what amounts to bounties for removing children from their homes... all in the guise of responding to a non-existent "child abuse epidemic." What it was/is to any reasonable individual is "Kids For Cash." There is also evidence that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is involved with the coverup surrounding the Pedogate investigations. Investigations by independent researchers show that the files from the center have been compromised. This problem isn't limited to the US alone...Now Kids For Cash has gone global and taken on even more insidious characteristics.


Internationally, the problem is even more profound. The advent of the EU has seen borders between European countries virtually disappear making it far easier for traffickers. Many children who have been removed from their homes by social services in the UK, end up in brothels throughout Europe. As far back as the Bosnian conflict children have been systematically taken by individuals and organizations associated with the UN and trafficked through CIA front companies such as DynCorp. This practice goes on today- wherever there is a conflict, there's profit to be made... and that includes natural disasters like the 2010 Haitian earthquake.

Europe has become an epicenter for human trafficking. Amsterdam, where laws governing the sex trade are relaxed, has become a hub for the illicit sex trafficking- where young people, often as young as 5 or 6 are brought to work in the brothels... some come from as far away as Africa and Asia. The profits from this trade are astronomical... I believe the figure in the first chart vastly understate how lucrative it really is. It also doesn't take into consideration the number trafficked for cheap labor and only includes figures provided by law enforcement coming from arrests... It's estimated that some 20.9 million people a year are trafficked worldwide.


Organ Harvesting/Trafficking
The demand for healthy organs has increased dramatically and fueled a huge increase in the illicit marketing of human organs. As long ago as the 1980's stories of tourists being shanghaied and waking up with a kidney missing began to proliferate. With time, however, this insidious trade has broadened in both scope and sophistication.

When George Webb began investigating Pedogate, he uncovered something a lot bigger and more sinister than just pedophilia... an organ harvesting industry. The Haitian earthquake drew a number of aid organizations such as the Red Cross, along with some even less reputable (if that's possible). Bodies of the unfortunate victims were transported to hospital ships offshore where they were "parted out," for all intents and purposes. It appears that the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 was almost as effective as the War on Drugs.

Identical to the human trafficking that went on in the Bosnian Conflict, the harvesting and trafficking in organs went on there as well. It is difficult to put an exact year on when it began- we can only assume that it has been going on for as long as there have been transplants... after all, it's demand that drives the market- when the demand is there, someone will find the supply. This trafficking is still going on today, the ongoing wars in the middle East provide the marketers with a steady supply of products. Moreover, in the US, university hospitals are used for purposes similar to the hospital ships off Haiti, this time for the victims of violence in the major metropolitan areas such as Chicago. Nothing goes to waste, seems to be the mantra of the day...

This insidious trafficking, whether drugs, human beings, or organs could not possibly go on without the complicity of governments around the world... at least not in the scope that it is. Profits of this size and scale are too tempting and it's within the shadowy world of the Black Ops cutouts that governments prosper.
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years


FSA(Free Syrian Rebells who are the former ISIS -here a turkish soldier in FSA Uniform-killing civilists.The civilists had to have weared YPG clothes for the photos. The organs were outoperated, after they got killed.

Reports from the Director-General of the Syrian Coroner's Office affirm that thousands of Syrian children have had their organs harvested since 2011.
Turkish refugee camps on the border with Syria are identified as prime locations where organ harvesting has been, and is, occurring. Director-General Hossein Noufel recently made the disclosure though United Nation officials have not officially confirmed the findings.

“We have accurate information that over 25,000 surgical operations have been conducted in the refugee camps of the neighboring countries and in the terrorist-controlled areas in Syria since 2011 to take out the body organs of 18,000 Syrians and sell them in the international black markets.” - Dr. Noufel


Previously, refugees have recounted horror stories about the dire situation inside some of the refugee camps, however the morbid practice is not limited to camps as there are claims organ harvesting is occurring in Urban centers as well.

Speaking to ARA News, Nadia Kamal, mother of an 8-year-old girl in the al-Qadam neighborhood of Damascus, said: “My daughter, Raghad, had disappeared from a park in the neighborhood. After failed attempts to find her in any hospital, I’ve posted an notification online about her disappearance, but yet nobody responded.”

“However, ten days later, an unidentified person contacted me on the phone, saying my daughter is in a good condition and I can receive her,” she said, adding that the girl was handed over by a masked man.

“Indeed, I received my daughter. However, impacts of a surgery were apparent on her body. After investigation by a doctor we discovered that her kidney was removed,” she said.

Muhammad Ali, from Rukn al-Din neighborhood of Damascus, told ARA News that more than four children were abducted in their area recently.
There is also information emerging that ISIS/ISIL forces are engaged in organ harvesting to help finance their military campaign. Furthermore, harvested organs are also said to be used to treat injured ISIS/ISIL soldiers.

The ISIL terrorist group is using organ harvesting as a way to finance its operations and save the lives of injured members, media reports said on Tuesday.

The Spanish daily El Mondo reported that facing the increased number of wounded members in the Syrian army and popular forces’ attacks, the ISIL is using the body organs of its captives for transplantation.

Black market organ harvesting is a lucrative business as there's high demand for organs in international markets for transplantation. The price of a kidney or heart can fetch anywhere from $15,000 USD to $200,000 USD depending on the recipient and country of destination.

A Rough Guide to Black Market Organ Harvesting

Accounts that organs were removed from the bodies of dead militants in the Iraqi city of Mosul have also been reported.

Medical sources told El Mundo that the personnel in one of hospitals in Mosul have seen corpses of at least 183 people whose organs had been taken out of their bodies.

According to the report, the ISIL has set up a medical team in Mosul headed by a German physician which exports the body organs to Syria and the Iraqi Kurdistan region for transplantation to its members or selling.

Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations Mohamed Alhakim had made the same revelations last year, saying that the ISIL is trafficking human organs and has executed a dozen doctors for failing to go along with the program.

Posted here for safe keeping for independent journalists on the ground that shall remain nameless until he is in a safe country to visit his website you can go here all permissions granted by original author


Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

Highly rEsteemed!

Bacon WAW.jpg

Great work! Keep it up! <3

Excellent article, Jennifer. Followed, upvoted and Resteemed! I am glad I found your blog through FB's resteem! This topic is horrific. SGT report did a great video last week about the Syrian wounded being taken to Turkish hospitals and their organs removed and the people killed. These people are sick sick sick.