Seminggu IHSG Cetak Dua Rekor | New Record on Indonesia Stock Exchange |

in #indonesia7 years ago

Kurang dari sepekan, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) mencetak dua rekor baru sejak Bursa Efek Indonesia beroperasi. Pada Rabu 1 November 2017, IHSG ditutup pada posisi Rp6.038,14 poin atau menguat 32,36 poin (0,53) persen.

Sepanjang hari Rabu, IHSG bergerak di kisaran 6.008,37 sampai 6.038,99 dan ditopang sector pertambangan yang menanjak hingga 2,1 persen. Sektor keuangan menguat 1,2 persen. Sebanyak 163 emiten menguat, 18 emiten melemah, dan 120 emiten stagnan.


Pada 25 Oktober lalu, IHSG juga membukukan rekor pada posisi Rp6.025. Menurut analis dari Indosurya Sekuritas, William Surya Wijaya di Jakarta, data inflasi Oktober 2017 cukup terkendali, menunjukan perekonomian domestik dalam posisi terkendali sehingga mendorong investor kembali beli saham.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat laju inflasi pada Oktober 2017 sebesar 0,01 persen. Dengan demikian, tingkat inflasi tahun kalender Januari-Oktober 2017 mencapai 2,67 persen dan inflasi tahunan (year on year) sebesar 3,58 persen. "Inflasi yang terkendali itu semakin memperkuat kondisi perekonomian dalam keadaan stabil sehingga menopang IHSG," kata William sebagaimana dilansir kantor berita Antara pada tautan berikut ini:

Semakin membaiknya predikat Indonesia sebagai negara tujuan investasi juga diyakini ikut memengaruhi penguatan IHSG. Selain itu, jumlah investor lokal saat ini sudah lebih banyak dan melakukan transaksi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan investor luar negeri.[]


A Week IHSG Print Two Records

Less than a week, the Composite Stock Exchange Index (IHSG) scored two new records since the Indonesia Stock Exchange operated. On Wednesday 1 November 2017, JCI closed at position Rp6.038, 14 points or strengthened 32.36 points (0.53 percent).

Throughout Wednesday, the JCI moved in the range of 6,008.37 to 6,038.99 and was boosted by mining sector up 2.1 percent. The financial sector gained 1.2 percent. A total of 163 issuers rose, 18 issuers weakened, and 120 issuers stagnant.

On October 25 last, JCI also posted a record at the position of Rp6.025. According to an analyst from Indosurya Sekuritas, William Surya Wijaya in Jakarta, the inflation data of October 2017 is under control, showing the domestic economy in a controlled position, prompting investors to buy shares again.

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded an inflation rate in October 2017 of 0.01 percent. Thus, the inflation rate for calendar year January-October 2017 reaches 2.67 percent and annual inflation (year on year) is 3.58 percent. "The controlled inflation is further strengthening the economic condition in a stable condition that supports the JCI," William said as quoted by Antara news agency at the following link:

The improvement in Indonesia's predicate as an investment destination country is also believed to influence the strengthening of JCI. In addition, the number of local investors is now more and make transactions higher than with foreign investors.[]


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