Bug Perona Berwarna dari hutan indonesia - aceh
Colorful Shield Bug from indonesia forest - aceh
Binatang kecil yang indah ini yang Anda lihat adalah semacam Colorful Shield Bug.
Jenis bug yang Anda lihat ini, saya bisa memotret di video dan galeri dengan durasi yang lama, yang disebabkan oleh cuaca panas.
this beautiful little animal that you see is a kind of Colorful Shield Bug.
type of bug you see this, i can take pictures in video and gallery with long duration, caused by hot weather.
Karena jenis bug ini, saat cuaca panas akan berada di atas daun, untuk mencari makanan.
because this type of bug, when the hot weather will be above the leaves, to find food.
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di sini, semoga terhibur.
you can see it in the video that I show here, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :
Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )
Gambar3 ( Figure 3 )
Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )
Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )
Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
- Camera Photo Nikon Outo Selector
- Camera Video Nikon Outo Selector
- Location Indonesia forest - aceh
- Videographer @sultan-aceh
- Photographer @sultan-aceh
Colorful Shield Bug, I just love to see those colors.
And the pictures are incredibly good @sultan-aceh
hai @xpilar
you come here again
i know you are busy ..
and I am ready to wait for you to come heheheh
thank you for your support
for my friends in my blog is ok
regards @ sultan-aceh
Welcome sir @xpilar im very happy to see your comment.
Stay blessed!
thanks @syedkashifhussai
You are most welcome sir @xpilar.
The Red UJO
kumbang peu nyan bg, sang lagee na pernah lon kaloen @sultan-aceh
neu kalon ya disinow hai hehehhe
hehe meunyoe kamoe kheun maop laju bah takot aneuk miet
Kumbang yang sangat indah, saya belum pernah melihat langsung kumbang seperti ini, terimakasih bang @sultan-aceh sudah berbagi.
thank @pakmanan
Wow... Cantik sekali warna kumbangnya bang kesannya sangat mewah pasti jenis kumbang yang langka.. Sukses selalu bang sultan-aceh...
terima kasih
Sebuah posting yang bagus. Jangan lupa upvot saya.
thank @riska-amanda
que interesante esta tu post.. felicidades
thank @yosicrespo
Keren bang...
seperti kumbang ya @sultan-aceh. apa binatang itu menggigit?
terima kasih @halidabahri
ya ... belum pernah digigit ...
cuma photo aja ...
ntar jika sudah digigit saya kasih tahu ya ... heheh
very nice photography dear @sultan-aceh, photography are so beautiful.....👌👌
thank @nazira
wonderful animal photography dear
i love your post,, thank you for sharing with us,
thank @rasel1234
omg.....awesome photography dear @sultan-aceh.. i love your post,,
thank @alimuddin
wow.! wonderful photography dear @sultan-aceh
thank @siddik1092
very good job dear @sultan-aceh
I like it....your post dear
👌@love you dear
good animal
I @resteem your post dear
thank @alamgir1001
This is a red lily beetle or lily leaf beetle. For farmers, this animal is the most deadly pest because it feeds on leaves, stems, buds, and plant flowers. Asians (the tropics) call it destructive pests. This lily beetle belongs to the Coleoptera order, and the Chrysomelidae family, the leaf beetle. Adult lilies are about 6 to 9 mm in size.
red lily beetle often laying under the leaves with the number of eggs reaching 450 eggs in 12 parts. Eggs then hatch into yellow, brown or orange larvae for about 1-2 weeks, then become an adult beetle after 20 days of hatching and can be 1 year old.
Interestingly, biologists find little intelligence in the beetle to become one of the pest animals that get a good publication. Some time ago, in the framework of the publication of red lily beetle, biological curators have collaborated with the film industry for the purpose of publication. The film is very interesting because it tells of a small red lily beetle journey in loyalty, avenge the favor and take revenge. If you have time and want to watch the movie, below I include the link. Enjoy.
Indah that warna binatang nyan bg
thank @fahmiramlan
Di sawah banyak x klw sudah misim padi semacam hama, tetapi bagus juga klw udah di soroti
terima kasih infonya
Sama2 adun sultan aceh, krn klw mau kita cari sampelnya di sawah lah tempatnya
Bang @sultan-aceh kumbang apa itu. Colorful siel bug nyan pu bang, hana lon tupu punan binatang ubit nyan
kalon aju sabe sabe bah teupu heheh
Haha... Sang wahlon kalon beutreap treap hai bang @sultan-aceh.
wahh .. indah that bg.
trima kasih
saya sangat menyukai photo dan vidio anda bg @sultan-aceh
thank @cakphotography
Di hutan kita memang begitu banyak tersimpan keindahan. Sungguh binatang kecil yang sangat cantik..
terima kasih @susanlhokseumawe
Hallo @Sultan-Aceh
As per the rules of the contest.
I have been rearranging and upvote.
your blogg.
my choice is picture number one.
Link :
Hi @steem-norwegia
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Thank you @Sultan-aceh.
hopefully true
this bug look like artificial . so nice painting . I like this type bug . @sultan -aceh I much appreciate your work. we can take benefit of your agriculture information.
Stay blessed
thank @syedkashifhussai
Hallo @sultan-aceh
Sesuai aturan kontes: Saya telah menunggangi ulang dan upvote: blogg anda: pilihan gambar nomor satu (1). @xpilarcontest.
Hi @norwegiasteem
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Very good @sultan-aceh
thank very much
Very nice colourful bug..
You are such a great photographer @sultan-aceh keep the good spirits.
you come @davidad
thank ok
Hi @sultan-aceh, here's my answer to #xpilarcontest "bit image 4": (Figure 1).
i Have resteemed and upvoted. Thanks for this contest to both @xpilar and you.
Hi @aymenkhemakhem
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
upvoted& Re-steemed
I have done it
I made a post with my answer on #xpilarcontest
Hi @hatemmkh
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I choose Gambar 1 (figure 1)
Upvoted and resteemed @sultan-aceh
My answer is also posted @xpilar
I also made a post, here is the link https://steemit.com/xpilarcontest/@frankabelle/contest-contest-contest-xpilarcontest-for-1-2-18-dont-miss-it
Hi @frankabelle
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh, here's my answer to #xpilarcontest "bit image 4": Gambar 1 (Figure 1).
Have resteemed and upvoted. Thanks for this contest to both xpilar and you.
Hi @syedkashifhussai
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hai sultan aceh sudah saya up vote n re-steemed dalam ikut lomba yang diselenggarakan oleh x-pilar. Saya memilih gambar no 1.sepertinya itu yangbcocok. Semoga menang. Ini linknya
Hai @halidabahri
Anda melakukannya dengan baik
dan telah membaca peraturan kontes
semoga menjadi pemenang
Salam @xpilar dan @ sultan-aceh
Sering long kalen binatang nyan di tempat lon.
saya telah me-resteem dan meng-upvote post anda sesuai dengn praturan #xpilarcontest.
sesuai dengan pertanyan yg diajukan pada #xpilarcontest saya menjawab gambar no. 1 yang ada pada post anda.
silahkan kunjungi link ini untuk jawaban selengkapnya https://steemit.com/xpilarcontest/@arfah/xpilarcontest-bit-of-image-4
Hai @arfah
Anda melakukannya dengan baik
dan telah membaca peraturan kontes
semoga menjadi pemenang
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hello @xpilar and @sultan-aceh i am already upvote and resteem this post. I choose number 1 for my answer. I am already post my answer in this link...
Best regards... Hopefully the answer is correct... thank you for the contest...
Hi @heriafriadiaka
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh
In accordance with #xpilarcontest rules, I have resteem and upvote this post.
My answer is picture no. 1 from the picture above
Link contest : https://steemit.com/xpilarcontest/@xpilar/new-xpilarcontest-bit-of-image-4-1-2-2018-get-free-upvote-and-you-can-win-steem-dollars-sbd
Hi @zawil
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Figure 4 : Image 4 is the original of this "bit of image 4 #xpilarcontest:
Thanks to @xpilar and @sultan-aceh for this nice contest..
Hi @dabbey
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
hey.. bro..
what's up?.
nice to share...
animal life....
love it..
see my new blog also...
please keep in your mind..
don't forget me bro..
i need to increase upvote in my blog.
but how..
help me..
that there you do it all plagiarism @shagorshikder
I can not help you.
I have repeatedly said, do not do it again
but still you do @shagorshikder
I'm sorry to see you @shagorshikder
but you are not kasian, against yourself @shagorshikder
your pictures, all are here
you do not give the link below
this name is plagiarism @shagorshikder
Forgive me @shagorshikder
Regards @sultan-aceh
thank you bro for your suggest....
god bless you
Nice photography @sultan-aceh ...
Gamber 1 (image 1) of the #xpilarcontest is the coerect answer..
Hi @joabiodun
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh

I found common ground with the #xpilarcontest contest,
My answer and the matching image is picture no. 1 of the picture above.
Thanks you @sultan-aceh
Contest link: https://steemit.com/xpilarcontest/@xpilar/new-xpilarcontest-bit-of-of-of-of-4-1-2-2018-get-free-upvote-and-you-can-win-steem-dollar-sbd
Hi @mr-one
you are doing well
and have read the contest rules
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
thank @dabbey