Pointing a gun at people and telling them not to use cash is pretty extreme and is very statist, if the people decided voluntarily that they did not like cash then that would be fine.
It seems though that we are in the statist paradigm where we are forced at the barrel of a gun to use federal reserve notes and only federal reserve notes, but what the common man does not know is that this bad money weeds out good money.
someone at work asked me "Brock do you want a gold standard" I replied "I want watever happends through voluntary exchange" If people decide to use gold then find, if they use paper redeemable in gold then fine, if they use dirt then that's fine!!!!! then I said, but if I was forced to be tyrannical and make a statist decision then I would make a law that says you have to use whatever you want to use :)
We live in a statist world and they will eventually take us away from cash and start using numbers on a screen, which will make inflation go a little crazy. They would not have to print money just add it to a screen (which they already do)
Well thank's for reading guys and gals please upvote, follow, and leave your thoughts in the comment section.
hi @brockstory nice post
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I only follow people that post information that I am interested in I will check out your stuff though