
First "all" is a logical constant and rarely applies, second there is nothing "epic" about the post and when you laugh about the sexualization of children you can go fuck yourself like hard. What these creatures did to that baby was illegal in Brazil. That same crime is in fact legal in New York so you let me know how that sits with you sweetheart.

So why are gay people bad, explain

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When gay people botch an at home DIY transgender operation then murder the child. I would say that's bad. Gay people are bad when they openly sexualize children, attempt to gain the moral high ground while crafting false narratives, then have this arrogant over inflated sense of themselves. It's disgusting and all of your Sesame street muppets won't amount to shit after you've accomplished your mission of getting rid of hate. After I'm gone WHO DO YOU THINK IS NEXT?

If you think you're apart of the power structure as the left continues to circle the drain. You deserve everything you get as a result of your tacit support for this backwards agenda.

So you blame all gay people because a few pyschos happen to be gay? Cool fallacies br0.

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The liberal linguistic formula:

If x then y, so that means z and z is racist, homophobic, antisemitic, etc ... lol

You're a bad joke that was never funny.

Oh, youre illiterate. My apologies for triggering you.

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You could have just admitted you were wrong this whole time and saved us both the resource credits for this "conversation".

Of course all gays do not do evil. That is an absolute and there are no absolutes, humanly speaking. But what that lesbian couple did is wrong, and it is begining to happen more and more.

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Where is your evidence of it being on the rise?

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Hey @cyberdemin531thank you for the reply. I have to tell you that if you can not see it, I can not help you. Like the Baker who is being taken to court for a "third time", even when he won 2 other times. BTW, not the only Christian Baker going through that.

The LGBTQ+ community keeps on pushing those limits like hitting #Bible preachers on the streets both in EU and the Americas. And so forth. Not counting now that Gender dysphoria is new problem for kids who are not old enough to make their own decisions. Sadly like I said earlier you don't want to see things like that. The freedom that was given to a small community, less than 1 % of the population, is taking away the freedom of everyone else. I don't know if that answer your question, but a quick search online would find more chaos like that.

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Oh, just another conspiracy theorist who hates a majority because of a minority.


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Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me and save me a sinner Amen.

Lord I pray that you bless this cyber demon # 531. Surround it with your holy spirit and show it your presence so that it may fear you once again in a loving way.

Lord allow your presence to exercise the demon lurking within this individual so that she may come to an understanding with an opportunity to turn away from the sin.

In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Im not the one with trouble reading numbers lad

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