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RE: HEADLINES: Friday, May 18th, 2018 - Santa Fe, Texas School Shooting, "Crime" to Question Vaccines, Ban Archery, Marxism in Teen Vogue, Giuliani, Jordan Peterson, John McCain, Admitting Wrong, EOS, Benghazi and More

in #informationwar6 years ago

Which section? The Left leaning I tend to Aggregate what they seem to think is important. Political Wire for example is almost always like a twitter tweet being passed off as journalism. Yet left leaning people have told me that is a good place to aggregate material for the left. So I include what that site thinks is important, but to me yes it is usually just drivel and might as well have been a tweet.

The mainstream media and left sections I tend to do on auto-pilot as I don't relate to them so much. So I aggregate what "they" think is important, and that can be revealing.


UPDATE=> Police Say Santa Fe High School Shooter Is 17 and Student at School – Wearing Black Trench Coat, Had Sawed-Off Shotgun

not exactly 'tweet's...just a collection of quotes...pretty much the same thing.

I find it annoying that so much news is video only these days. Videos take me a lot longer to process than something I can read.

I understand why video might be the initial news though, but writing something decent if you have a little bit of time is the way to go as far as I'm concerned.

I'd far rather read something than watch something.

Yet I do waste a lot of time watching things every day as that is the only way to get some things.

It does make me daydream about how much more I could get done if it was written.

Videos take me a lot longer to process than something I can read
99% of video's are stoopid.
why watch a talking head read something off a teleprompter when I can read it ten times faster myself?

If video doesn't involve 'on the scene' pictures of something that's actually happening (NOT a news chick talking to a camera)
or CGI....I'm not interested..

Ahhh yeah. They tend to rush things out when it is breaking. The Gateway Pundit tends to write some good pieces, but yes they do rush out material when it is very new.

A long time ago when GateWay pundit was just a blog I used to follow it a lot.
then it did something to piss me off (I forget what) and I quit .

The mainstream media and left sections I tend to do on auto-pilot as I don't relate to them so much. So I aggregate what "they" think is important, and that can be revealing.

they're all written by a small handfull of 'writers' then distributed and posted endlessly. The left thinks what it is TOLD to think. They've admitted it on national tv.

The mainstream media and left sections I tend to do on auto-pilot as I don't relate to them so much. So I aggregate what "they" think is important, and that can be revealing.

Gungha Din.

They are so vomit inducing that they are painful. I just got thru deleting half a dozen left wing news sources.

Couldn't take it any more...couldn't..