In my opinion, sex sells product... fear can do this as well, but it is by far the better of the two at maintaining control. Put a real good beat down on a man, and he'll remember it, and most likely you won't have to do anything more than the occasional 'tune-up' just to reinforce you point... Sex requires the promise of more... to keep interest alive...
Bias? I'll probably have to devote an article to that at some point... But, sometimes just saying something is biased is enough for the Propagandist to minimize an opposing point of view... so, he can put forth the 'correct' meme...
In my opinion, sex sells product... fear can do this as well, but it is by far the better of the two at maintaining control. Put a real good beat down on a man, and he'll remember it, and most likely you won't have to do anything more than the occasional 'tune-up' just to reinforce you point... Sex requires the promise of more... to keep interest alive...
Bias? I'll probably have to devote an article to that at some point... But, sometimes just saying something is biased is enough for the Propagandist to minimize an opposing point of view... so, he can put forth the 'correct' meme...