A Government and We The People aren't so different. Maybe we can be friends?

in #informationwar3 years ago (edited)

When it comes to the government, I know a lot of people can be critical. But let's just explore our actual differences, and perhaps you will see that there is a lot in common between what the government can do, and what we can do.

First, it's simple to see that the government can build a road. And so can a private company. We can both build roads. Just add a little toll-booth, and you're all set. So I already see the government as just doing something anyone can do, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Banking? Well, governments don't need to own the banks. Anyone can set up a private bank if they so choose. And governments can help those banks run, even to the point monitoring your finances or freezing your account if they wish.

Schooling? It's not like you can't homeschool, and even private schools exist that teach students. The government makes it easier by providing a mandatory curriculum. And as for opening schools, the government can do it too, and it's called public schooling, where governments round up all our children and teach them whatever they feel must be taught during their formative years.

Media? Just as government funded state media exists, we can also make our own propaganda videos and indoctrination movies. There's no need to restrict this just to the government. Many big-name studios are known to produce very entertaining agenda-driven videos, and sometimes, even the government might be involved.

For-profit enterprises! Just as anyone can start a business and begin selling goods or services, the government also does this, and it's called taxation. Just like how we can choose to go to a private store and pay for the goods or services we want, we also pay the government to provide us goods or services.

And with all those similarities, I'm sure that we can agree that government and people aren't so different, and that there's really no need to be so up-in-arms about everything.

And really, there's only one tiny difference, just one thing you can't do that the government can do, and it's really nothing to take note of. But just so you know, the government is allowed to enslave people and force them to submit and obey literally anything the government tells them to do. And if you don't obey, they will seal you into a small, locked room. And if that fails, they are also legally authorized to kill people.

That's all.

Now let's go about our day and see that we can be friends with the governments of the world.

We're nearly the same.



Normal cells and cancer cells are nearly the same.

I saw that ending coming before I even read it. I know your style. Glad to see you here again!

Hahah, thanks, but I'm getting tired of writing about politics for the same reason you knew what was coming. It's so predictable! I'm trying to be more esoteric, but this last one was just soooooooo mundane! Like, of course the government does this! Duhhhh! =p

What I really want to get into is writing timeless, eternal philosophy. Stuff that goes beyond contemporary, transient situations and events.

But by the way, how did you like Troodor's face that I made here? That's the real gem of this post. Just a little modification and Despot Troodoo looks simply disturbing. Heheh. Honestly, it's perhaps too disturbing...!

Tbh I missed that, but the hair should have alerted me to who it was :)