My Inktober so far ! First Week :

in #inktober6 years ago

Day1 - poisonous 🌿poison ivy 🌿

Day 2: tranquility/tranquil ✨

Day 3! 🔥roasted/roasting🔥

Day 4: ✨ spell ✨

Day 5: 🐔chicken🐔

Day 6: drooling /drool 🤤

Day 7: 😴exhausted😴

I've been living in my University Accommodation for like two or three weeks now! I never, ever thought I'd be able to cope long term living by myself due to all my health things but, it's going so well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been really quite busy, hence why I haven't posted for a while, I've made some really lovely friends and I really like hanging out with them (going to make a post about today since I hung out with a friend at a market, it was lovely)!

I've been enjoying Inktober, not too fond of the prompt list since I can't think properly and it takes me a hell of a while to think of ideas, but oh well! Still on track :D

Not sure what else to write, going to make some food now!

Thank you for stopping by!


it's going so well

That's wonderful to hear @tinygalaxy.

not too fond of the prompt list

Me neither. At least at times. I wasn't very inspired by drooling or chicken for example but you've got some great ideas there. 😁

yeah !! I was stuck on those two prompts also! ah well! Thank youuu

Keep it up, @tinygalaxy ! You are doing well !!! :D Love the Roasted one and the Exhausted one :) But every one of them is really neat <3 <3 <3

aaaa thank you so much!! had a look at your page and i really like your day 4 and day 7 drawings !!! <3