Science As fire that should be lit is not a ship waiting to be filled "

Each of us must have dreams, aspirations and hopes. The hidden hope of our heart and soul leads to the urge to make a difference. When I was a kid I also dreamed that when I grew up I had to be a useful and successful person. I want to be successful, independent, and able to help others. I want to show parents later that I can achieve my goals. I want to show parents, friends, and others that we can really do something useful and useful in the midst of our limitations. Since childhood I did not have good achievement from elementary school to college. I am an ordinary person in the academic field and no one is proud of me. My life journey began to change when I was in high school. At that time I entered SMA BOPKRI I Yogyakarta. This is where I begin to dream and aspire. In high school BOPKRI I got a very diverse and extraordinary friends. I have a teacher who also always provides motivation and inspiration to look forward. My teacher always says that if there is a will there is a way.
I believe that one day I will do something new. At that school, I started hanging out and often heard the experiences of my friends who had lived abroad because they had fathers working and working abroad. In addition, because their father is an entrepreneur. My friend always tells me about how life abroad. So their story has motivated me to want to see how life is out there. I dream that one day I can also like my friends to go abroad. Since the third grade of high school, I started studying and learning diligently because I wanted to go to UGM because I am not a smart person and peppered in school. I want that the average person can do something and not just the achievers. UGM is a pride university for everyone. As a Yogyakarta person, I am also proud if I can be accepted at UGM because the university is famous everywhere.

My dream began to become a reality that in the end I can be accepted at UGM through SPMB test. But the unfinished struggle is still a long journey for me to achieve the dream that is still buried. I want to be able to give the best because I have been accepted at UGM, the university which is my pride. I can be accepted at UGM also because the parents who have sacrificed everything for their child's step in better education and they do not demand anything from me. All they want is our life as a better child. Therefore, UGM as my dedication to the parents who have brought me to this day.
During my college at UGM I tried to study hard. Every day I do a lot of activities in the Library. The UPT II Library is a silent witness who can explain how I spend my time with books and librarians there. I became familiar with library librarian UPT II because every day I have to visit the library and often borrow books. Various books in the library I read from politics, social, anthropology, Government Science, philosophy, literature, international relations, psychology, sociology, history, and economics. At UGM, I was forged as a plow because UGM gave me many opportunities to explore my talents and potentials. Facilities provided by UGM, such as wide academic spaces and national seminars, free discussions and symposia are often held. I feel like getting a lot of new lessons, inspiration, and knowledge while attending national seminars and symposiums that present national figures, praxis and scientists from outside UGM. UGM is one that shapes my character and identity and the many lessons I learned during my time at UGM.
This provision makes me able to pursue every path of academic life. 2 years After graduating from UGM campus, I got the opportunity to join Pancasila Study Center, Gadjah Mada University. At the Pancasila Study Center, I met a passionate young man. We discussed because for me the brilliant idea was born out of the discussion. This is where I can serve and do something for my nation and nature. The first opportunity I got was I had the opportunity to speak at the Yale Indonesia Forum: The International Conference on Demand for Contemporary Pancasila: Endorsing the Indonesian Establishment Ethos, in July 2009 at Sanata Dharma University. A prestigious seminar hosted by the prestigious and prestigious University Yale University forum in the world. In my forum it is parallel to the foreign scientists from various countries who at that time they are the average PhD candidates but I myself only graduated S1 from UGM.
In the forum I talked about Pancasila Education in School. This is a rare opportunity for me when I can speak in prestigious forums. I have confidence that if every young person in this country is given a wide opportunity to work and speak in a national forum, they will quickly grow and develop into strong, resilient, and caring people. But so far so few young people in this country get the chance to work and talk in national forums because they have to wait for the new top title to get attention. But I am sure that from Gadjah Mada scientists will be born and thinkers will rise to show that we are a nation of Indonesia, a great nation, and self-sufficient because little children have the vision and dream to achieve the ideals. I believe that vision is the purpose of life and place of hope.
All depart from a pure and sincere vision to build hope and a beautiful future. After that I also had the opportunity to speak at the International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis organized by CRCS, UGM in cooperation with the University in the Netherlands, in November 2009. The next year November 2010, I had another opportunity to present at the International Conference on Language, and MDG sponsored by UNESCO Bangkok in Thailand. This opportunity is great for me because I have been a seminar participant for a long time but in this opportunity I can be an international speaker. I am happy and grateful that I am an ordinary person but I can contribute better and be able to speak in international forums attended by scientists, practitioners and professors from various countries to show the international world that there are young people from Indonesia can also do something and do for his people.
It all started with Dreams and beautiful in time.
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Dream comes true , when we work hard.
As dream doesn't become reality through magic, only we can achieve our dream by hard work and determination with full potential.
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