Some people may not realize it, but intuition plays a very important role in your life and overall well-being. Developing it starts by realizing you have it already. Have you ever had a hunch or feeling about something? This was your intuition! Here are three steps you can take to developing your intuition.
1.) Recognizing it.
2.) Studying it.
3.) Give it good information to work with.
Intuition is a good warning tool for us. It gives us certain “feelings” about situations that may happen in the near future. These types of feelings can be good or bad, but the bad feelings are especially important to listen to. If you have a bad feeling that something is going to happen, certainly don’t disregard that!
Study Your Intuition
If you ever start to have a bad feeling about something, question it first. Why do you think something bad is about to happen? Has something bad similarly happened in this kind of situation before? Maybe certain past experiences are triggering this kind of response in you.
Don’t Let Bad Situations Ruin Your Life
While you should listen to your intuition in regards to bad feelings, you also shouldn’t let bad situations from the past keep you from doing things in your life that could help you grow or become a better person. Learn to recognize your intuition, and use common sense of whether or not you should take it seriously.
It’s always a good feeling when your intuition tells you that something GOOD is about to happen. What can you do to make this situation even better? Let your intuition be a guide for both good and bad circumstances that may be about to happen.
Give your Intuition Good Information
Ultimately your knowledge and experience determine the effectiveness of your intuition. The more experience you have in a particular topic, or area of life in general, the more accurately you will be able to predict the outcome of a situation.
By recognizing your intuition, you’ll have more ideas more often. You’ll learn to trust your intuition when you learn to trust it. Give it good information and you’ll be rewarded with good hunches and creative ideas.
@musicman99 Interesting topic. In my experience intuition is what comes from a knowing which is beyond logic, beyond understanding. It comes from your higher self, and when you have a bad feeling about something, it could result from your past experiences. So you're right on spot when you say you have to be able to distinguish between the two. I rely on my gut feelings to navigate through various situations in life and it does help! Upvoted. Cheers! :)
Hello @musicman99, upv0t3
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People talk about "going with their gut," but what they really mean is their intuition, I think. I suspect it's our subconscious mind trying to make us aware of our own observations and feelings about things that we've forgotten or didn't give much attention to, when we should have. Great post, @musicman99!
Whenever I'm in doubt, I go with my intuition rather than using logic. I've been burned too many times when I followed logic and my sixth sense told me something was wrong.