Yarn bombing - Some inspiration today


Great little surprise on walk. Good reminder for life.


Fun yarn bomb.


What little thing can you do today to make the world a more beautiful place?

Minneapolis, Minnesota. September 9, 2018. All photos original.


This is so cool..
I have never heard if
Yarn bombing...

Someone mentioned it in a post then wife got these photos. Then I googled

Love the first photo! You know I knit and crochet, but I don't think I can go out and yarn-bomb something. The police will jail me for sure or putting me in the loony bin!

Maybe both haha police arrest and then put you in the loony bin :)

Enjoy the little things ... I feel as so many forget to do this.

Yep. Have a good start to your week today @rentmoney

street art is a way of life =) lol

thanks for visiting my blog @kuklamasha

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