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RE: Keys to A Meaningful Life

in #inspiration3 years ago

How come that even Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and is one of the richest men on the planet, said that his happiest days were for him as a poor teacher, where he earned 91 RMB a month.

Maybe that was less stressful for him. Many people cannot (unable to) (and/or do not even want to) handle fame (and other circumstances). Many famous actors/actresses, singers and other people "escape" to use alcohol or even drugs, and ruin their own lives.

Not to mention the fact that owning/managing a huge, worldwide company, like Alibaba comes with a huge responsibility and stress. Even Elon Musk said that he do not want to be the CEO of Tesla. He just have to. Or at least he said that Tesla would die if he was not CEO.


Right! When we were young, we were taught that we have to be rich to attain happiness. But upon growing up, we realised that in everyone's typical success (which is showering with money), great pressure and massive responsibility come within.

Happiness is really relative, indeed. But what I can generally say is "Being successful and happy at the same time is finding our purpose in life. It'll be hard, but it'll be worth it."

"I am happy > Society said this is happiness." 😉

"I am happy > Society said this is happiness."....👏👏. Oh how I'm going to make this my daily mantra

Yay! Glad that I can positively influence you!